Chapter 19: Stronger

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Grunkle Stan's POV

We deeper on her cave, unlike the first thirty meters of her cave Which was girly and all. But now it's just like the one's you see in the creepy horror movies. Mud puddles were in every sight and webs were every angle of the cave.

"Hey Handwitch, why didn't you say that this part of the cave exists, I could've decorated this place." Mabel examined the cave and her spirits are up for some decorating.

"This place isn't even for anybody to step on." She taunted.

"Well that's a downer." Mabel pondered.

"Dipper, are we even safe in here?" Emma whispered to Dipper.

"We're not Emma, But don't worry we have her." I chimed in pointed to the Handwitch, who was busy making her way through the huge spider webs.

"We are here." The Handwitch stopped dead at her tracks. We were in front of a huge metal door, which has a huge kinda wheel on the center. The Handwitch twisted it and we all entered. "This is where the history of Gravity Falls, not the pioneer kind of history, but all the strange things that happened in Gravity Falls." She explained. And went straight to the book in the center of the room.

"More like the Journals, but In the Journals are Monsters." Dipper chimed in.

"Did you just say Journals?" The Handwitch Narrowed her eyes at him and fear consuming her.

Dipper stared at me, giving me a look if it's okay to tell her, I nodded.

"Yes, I got Journal number three and Emma got Journal number one." He carefully said and took out the journal and asked for Emma's. "But we still haven't figured out who's the Author." He said sadly.

"Let me see." The Handwitch said eagerly. She held it and flipped on the pages. "After all this years, I thought he brought them with them." She whispered. "Where did you find these?"

"I find that in a tree." Dipper said.

"I found that under the floor." Emma said.

"Which house?" She asked.

"Oh I just moved in, But they told me that Aunt Rosemary lived there though." Emma pondered.

"Rosemary?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I think I have seen her name here somewhere." She took the book and flipped on the pages. "Ah, here it is." She said and I can sense that Emma is feeling confused. "Rosemary Connors, Am I correct?" she asked and Emma nodded.

"She's my dad's sister." she stated.

"Thirty years ago. An unexplained battle happened in this Town. Although people did not see this, it left a huge mark on this town." she continued. "Rosemary Connors, She was one of the four chosens. There were four of them but one was transported to an another dimension and was never returned. The names of the Chosens are Stanford Pines, Stanley Pines, Fiddleford Hadrod McGucket, Rosemary Connors." She stopped and they all stared at me.

"Grunkle Stan, why didn't you tell us?" Dipper asked.

"It's to protect you kids. And it's all my fault why this is all happening." I said feeling guilty.

"Don't blame yourself Grunkle Stan. If there is someone to blame., It would be that Isosceles monster." Mabel gave me a hug.

"But I'm afraid Bill is stronger now. My skills won't be enough to defeat him." I said sadly.

"Don't worry, I got some tricks on my sleeves." The Handwitch smirked at us.

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