Chapter 23: Mabel's Plan

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Dipper's POV

I glance at my watch and my eyes widen for a beat, Seven In the evening. We are all here gathered at the side of the Gravity Falls Lake. This was the place we went weeks ago when It was fishing season. I could still feel the excitement on our journey of finding the Legendary Gobblewonker.

"Where's your cool boat, that made the twins go with you and ditch me I might add, Soos?" Stan asks.

"It was wrecked, Thanks to that Sea Creature." Soos says. "I think, we gotta swim."

"Are you out of your mind?" I debate. "It's already seven in the evening, cleary dark! And it's Gravity Falls." I practically scream pointing to the water. "We do not know what monters are hiding in that water."

"And what do you suggest we do?" Wendy asks.

"Well, We better figure out something." I say as I tap my foot on the wooden platform.

"Well, Mabel here has a plan." Mabel says mischievously. "And It's gonna blow your bubblegum shape-like minds."

"Wait what? Was the bubblegum suppose to shaped like a Br- Nevermind!" I say. "Just tell us your idea is."

"Well, I know this guy who knows this guy. And it seems to be a perfect plan." She says leaving us nothing or whatsoever.

"What? Can you repeat that?" Soos says scratching his head. "You know this gu-" Mabel cut him off.

"I know Grunkle Stan and he knows Old Man McGucket." She says like we have small brains.

"BUT, we all directly know Old Man McGucket." I say as I roll my shoulders resulting into a shrug.

"Except me, I don't know this Old Man McBucket guy." Emma says pointing her finger.

"McGucket." We all chorus except her.

"Yeah, that's what I said, McBucket." She says innocently as she furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah yeah." Mabel says, trying so hard to hide her laugh. "Why haven't I thought if that? McBucket." She emphasizes the 'Bucket' word while moving her hands dramatically.

"Okay okay, enough names. Why'd you said McGucket can help us in our situation?"

Oh, I forgot. He doesn't know about the Blind Eye Society and Old Man McGucket's Past.

"He's a genius. He's an inventor." She says. "I bet he can make a boat in solid four minutes." She smiles. For once Mabel's Idea wasn't bad at all.

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