Chapter 10: Don't you like him?

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Emma's POV

I woke up the sun blinding my eyes, birds chirping would be perfect for this scenario, But still, there were none. I sat up from my bed and walked to the window letting fresh air fill the my room. Then something popped in my head, Sleepover. 

I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a bath, A few minutes later I came out and put on my black skinny jeans, Cream plain sweater, brown boots and I just let my flaming curly auburn hair fall on both of my shoulders. I grabbed my backpack underneath my bed and packed some clothes, toothbrush and the journal.

I walked downstairs and the smell of macaroni invaded my nose. I placed my backpack on the couch and went to the kitchen. 

"hmm. Smells good" I said. "Hi mom" I said as I sat on one of the chairs.

"Good morning Sweetie, I hope you enjoy breakfast." She smiled and place the macaroni on the table. 

I started to eat my breakfast then mom asked. "So, are you excited because your sleepover?" mom asked.

"I am mom, I'm super excited. Tonight is gonna be fun!" I squealed as I scooped a spoonful of soup in my mouth

"Well I'm glad to hear that." mom nodded. "And how about that party tomorrow at the Mystery Shack?" She asked.

"Yeah, I bet we'll have fun in there too." I smiled. "Mom?" I asked.

"Yes Sweetie?" She replied as she glanced at me. 

"Aren't you mad or something cause I'm going to these sleepover and party?" Itilted my head to the side. That's what I realized when we came in Gravity Falls, She allows me to anything I wanted to go with the Pines Twins. 

"Oh no dear, Why would you say that?" She chuckled.

"Well, I kinda realized that you allow me to go anywhere with the Pines Twins and their friends." I said as I finished my breakfast.

"It's just that, they seem to be friendly. Mabel, Well she seems to be the one always looking at the positive side. Remember that time when she brought Waddles here, I can never ever forget what happened next. Waddles ate your father's food at the table and Mabel blamed Dipper." She giggled. I can't forget that too. They visited here and things pretty went crazy.

"And Dipper, Well he kinda takes everything seriously and he's smart thinking." Mom said. "Don't you like him?" Mom asked.

I felt warm blood run all over my face. "Whaaaat?" I nervously laughed. "uh. umm. Oh look its already 10: 25. I gotta go now mom." I glanced at my watch and kissed my mom's forehead.

"Well, okay Sweetie. Be careful okay? and Have fun!" She smiled and waved goodbye. 

"okay Mom. Say Goodbye to Dad for me" I said as I grabbed my backpack and headed for the door. 

"Okay Sweetie!" Mom called out. 

I closed the door behind me and breathed out. 

"Here we go"

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