Chapter 13: Codes

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Gideon's POV


It was after 2 days I got imprisoned because of those Pines family. I sat at the cold hard chair just staring at the four walls that seems to be getting closer and closer by the minute I stare at them.

"Gideon, you're now free to go. You've been bailed by Bud Gleeful, Your father." The police called out and opened the cell door.

I nodded and glanced at Killbone. "I'll be back my friend" I whispered.

Dipper's POV

I am now sitting at the living room watching some re-runs of Duck-Tective. I sighed and looked at the old clock, 9:43pm. Well this is getting boring.

"hey dude" A voice said, Soos.

"oh hey Soos" I boringly said.

"You look bummed out. What happened?" He asked as he sat at the floor.

I sighed. "Well there's nothing to do and this show is getting bored."

"Is Maple having a sleepover now?" He asked.

"Mabel Soos, Mabel." I laughed. "Yeah, Emma's here with them too, So it means I got no one to hang out with" I said.

"Well you can hang out with me dude" He says hitting my arm playfully.

"Hahaha, sure" I said. "Thanks Soos"

"No problem dude!"

"Hey, why do you say 'dude' every time you end a sentence?" I asked.

"I don't know dude" He said as he
scratched at the back of his neck.

"There! You said it again!" I exclaimed.

~after two hours~

After a whole lot of talking with Soos, I kinda learned a lot of things about him and life.

I glanced at the clock, 11:43pm. Soos was no lying on the floor and started to drool on the carpet. And as for me, I'm sitting at the couch watching Television, the only source o light in the room. The girls are still noisy, I can hear their music from here. I think it's sung by Sev'ral Timez.

"I'm gonna do a flip!" Mabel shouted. Then I heard a bump on the ceiling.

"Ouch" I murmured.

"That was for you guys!" She exclaimed. Then laughter erupted.

I groaned and sat up from the couch. I took the book behind the couch, where I hid it earlier. 

I slowly got up, really careful not to wake up Soos and climbed up on the ladder to Wendy's Secret hangout spot.

"Well, I think I'll just get some fresh air for a while" I said to myself and nothing but dark blue sky with stars all over them.

I remember the last time I was here, Bill was here. 

He and I made deal. And I fully regret that, cause in the end, he just smashed the laptop which was the only way of finding the Author.

 The cold air greeted me as I flipped on the pages of the journal. Then I stopped on the page where there was a two page spread which shows some kind of maze. I've been staring for moments but I still had no clue what it was. 

I glanced at my watch and It was now 11:58pm. "If only I could crack the code" I said as I look intently at the figure. 


Hello Guys! 

I'm just gonna let you know that I made a huge change in Chapter 1, And it would be better if you read it again, so you would understand the story. 

I would like to thank you guys for your support in this book! 200+ reads! That's insane if you ask me! 

That's all! Thank you!


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