Chapter 9: Mystery Solver

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Emma's POV

4 days ago, Me, Mabel and her friends, hung out at the mall. Their names are, Candy and Grenda. They were really Kind and Fun. And we immediately clicked. We found the perfect outfits and had loads of fun! And we started to hang out at the shack and I already knew a lot about them, their story on how they took care of the band Sev'ral Times. And how their Sumerween went.

Then I have been visiting them in the Shack since the day I first got here. Sometimes Me, Mabel and her friends would hang out and sometimes Dipper and I would.

And I still haven't forgot about the warning. What if the Lady wasn't crazy? What if she said was true? And Dipper kept on telling me that: Don't think too much, you know that causes wrinkles. And I laughed every time he says that. You know, Every time I get close to Dipper, there's this warm feeling that spreads throughout my body and my stomach explodes, not literally, you know like Butterflies.

I walked to the Shack and Wendy Greeted me.

"Hey Emma!" She said as she put her magazine down.

"Hey Wendy!" I smiled as I entered the living room. I saw Dipper watching Duck-Tective all by himself.

"Hey Dipwad" I said as I stood by the door. "Can I come in?" I asked.

"Of course" He smiled.

I walked to the sofa and sat on it.

"You know, Dipper. About the Journal, who wrote it?" I asked.

"Actually I don't know, that's what I'm doing now, Finding the author." He said.

"Cool, got any clues so far?" I asked.

"Kinda, Would you like to join me in my mission?" He asked.

"I don't see why not?" I giggled. "So it looks like I'm a Mystery Solver now" I laughed he then joined me laughing.

"Emma!" A voice called my name, Mabel.

"Yeah?" I shouted back.

"Are you in the Shack?" She shouted again.

"Umm I guess so?" I looked at dipper and started to laugh uncontrollably.

Then she went to the living room. "I knew you were here!" She exclaimed and did her victory dance.

"And you're calling me for?" I asked As I laughed at her victory dance.

"As we all know that the party is gonna happen in 2 days. Me and the Girls decided to decorate the Shack! And we were wondering if you could help us." Mabel said as she smiled. "Please Emma, it will be fun!" She said.

"Oh okay. So when will we start?" I asked.

"Right now! Isn't it exciting?" She exclaimed.

"You mean right now?" I said. "Oh. Okay then" I smiled as I got up from my chair.

"Candy and Grenda already got the supplies and banners." Mabel said.

I waved bye to Dipper and he did the same thing and me, Mabel, Candy And Grenda started to decorate the shack.

•••After 6 hours of decorating•••

"ugh, I'm so exhausted" I said as I slouched on their couch.

"Me too" Mabel sighed as she sat beside me.

"Where's Candy and Grenda?" I asked.

"They're just finishing some touches" She said.

"Oh" then Candy and Grenda ran to the living room. "Oh look there they are"

"Mabel, Emma You would not believe what we just heard!" Grenda screamed. "We heard that Pacifica and her friends are coming to your Grunkle's party!" She exclaimed.

"Oh it's alright" Mabel just simply said.

"What do you mean it's alright?" Candy said.

"Yeah, it's Pacifica Northwest!" Grenda exaggerated.

"Oh Grenda, Candy" Mabel said as she stood up from the sofa. "I know you guys don't like Pacifica because of her attitude. But you know, I think she's really kind behind that snappy attitude" Mabel said carefully.

"Maybe you're right Mabel" Grenda said as she pulled us into a bear hug. 

"Hey, how am I connected into this Pacifi-" I was cut off.

"Shh, there there Emma" Grenda said in a hushing voice.

"Oh. Um okay." I said awkwardly.

We pulled out from the hug then Mabel said. "Ladies! Tomorrow were gonna have a sleepover at my place!" She announced.

"Yes!" Candy and Grenda chorused.

"Are you coming Emma?" Mabel asked.

"If it's okay with you and my mom" I said.

"Give it" I reached for my pocket and handed her my phone. She pushed some buttons and held it to her ear. "Hi Mrs. Connors, It's Mabel" Mabel said cheerfully.

"Oh Hi Mabel! How are you doing?" Mom asked on the other line. "Are you and Emma having fun?"

"Oh yes, Me and the girls are having a sleepover tomorrow and It would be so Fun if Emma will join us! Can she some please please please please please" Mabel pleaded.

"A sleepover? Hmm.. Sure! Just let her come home now cause it's already getting late okay?" She said.

"Oh sure Mrs. Connors" Mabel said.

"Please call me Anna instead" mom said.

"Oh okay Anna" Mabel smiled. "Bye"

"Bye Mabel" mom said and hang up.

"Wow, you and mom are really getting close" I said as I giggled.

"Then you're coming with us!" Mabel said. "This is going to be fun!" She exclaimed.

Gideon's POV

"So Gideon, Am I supposed to attack now?" Bill said.

"Patience my friend. Everything comes to those who wait." I said as I scooped an Ice cream on my mouth.

You better watch out Stan.

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