Chapter 24: Boats

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Wendy's POV

We all rush to McGucket's yard and knocked on the old door simultaneously. Man, he sure needs to upgrade his house or whatever you call it (not that I offend his house).

"McGucket, please open the door." Dipper says as he continuously knocks on the door. "I know it's a bit late, but we really need your help." He reasons.

It was already evening, the moon was halfway through the sky and stars were starting to pepper the sky.

The door opens and a bright light evades our eyes for a second and blinds our vision for a solid second.

"Well pork beans and pineapple pie, what are you guys doing here?" A voice says,

"McGucket, We need your help!" Dipper speaks up. "We need a boat,"

"A boat you say?" He asks,

Dipper nods, "Yes! A boat."

"No problem kid! Just wait for five minutes,"

I look at him in disbelief then at Mabel. "See? Five minutes is all he needs." She smiles and giggles.


The boat was already ready. It was kinda small but, it was enough for us to fit all in. "Thank you McGuket, we really owe you big time." I thank him as I step on the boat.

"It was nothing. Be safe kids, Handwitch, Stan and you half-adult." McGucket refers to Soos.

"Yes, I will." Soos says, a determined look plastered on his face. "We have to go dudes, It's already quarter to eight and I bet Stan will be mad at us if we go beyond your curfew." He says, uneasily.

"Since when did we have a curfew?" Mabel gives him a crazed look, "Besides, Grunkle Stan is with us, like right now- See?" She points to her Grunkle.

"Yeah!" Stan says, "I'm gonna agree to what she just said, cause I was not listening the whole time."

I still can't believe he still acts this way at this kind of situation.

"Oh, right." Soos chuckles.

"Enough talking, let's go!" Dipper says, clearly frustrated. They all step into the boat and Soos starts the engine. "Thanks for helping us McGucket." Dipper waves at him, he (McGucket) was standing on the dock. He nods and Dipper does the same.

We all drive off, waiting for the fate that we will encounter in a few minutes. It was scary.


Hey Guys, I'm so sorry for the long wait. I hope you forgive me.

Well, here it is! Chapter 24. I hope you liked it! :) Please COMMENT your thoughts at the section below, and don't forget to vote!

-Agent Trigger

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