Charlie's P.O.V

Logan and I were on our way to the Queen household to play our usual game of poker like we did every Thursday night.

Once we got to the house Logan rang the doorbell as we stood on the front porch yet not long after that Roger opened the door and let us inside.

"Where's Brian?" I looked around the room wondering where he was.

"He's on a retreat with his therapist and trying to work on a few things" Freddie I thought about crushed his leg as he sat on the sofa.

"Ah" I nodded

And so with that we go on with the poker game which can I have got out of hand. But overall it was fun end it was nice to hang out with the guys before they go on tour again. Although Logan and I end up winning some cash launch was desperately needing.

Considering the state of the lamb complex right now we are going bankrupt and we are trying to save it.

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