Christina's P.O.V

I was at the lab complex where we were conducting two experiments. One was a gene study on first time pregnancies and the other one was an emotional eating and weight gain. We do these experiments all year around and every year.

It was the first day of the experiments for my best friends Sasha and Megan. Megan is doing the pregnancy study and become a mother and Sasha is doing the weight gain study to better herself and get over some emotional trauma. I was with Sasha and getting her settled into where she was going to stay for a month.

"Alright. Do you need anything before I go?".

"No, Not right now".

"Okay but if you are hungry give me a ring and I'll come with a huge car of food".

After I left Sasha I want I want in the maternity ward to prep Megan. The way that the genetic study works is a warning comes to us and she wants to be a mother she pics a guy that donates to us And we do our thing. If the woman wants to meet the potential father we can set them up. It doesn't always end well but 99% of the time it goes smoothly with no problems.

As I was leaving the mountains the ward Sage walked towards me.

"Ready to going to dinner?" His arm linked with my arm.

"Yes" I kissed him.

And so with that we went to Jenna but in the middle of it I felt ill

"You okay? You look a little green?".

" I don't feel good".

"Come on I'll take you home".

Luckily the restaurant was owned by a friend of Sage's parents so the meal was on the house. When we got to the house I got ready to turn in for the night and got in bed where Sage laid beside me and didn't leave me.

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now