Charlie's P.O.V

I was in the lab when one of our new doctors started working that day when I walked by to check in on him I noticed he was doing some kind of experiment on someone, Someone that looked like David Bowie

I walked closer to see if it really was Bowie and I was correct, It was truly David Bowie. So he does experiments on celebrities, That's just great.

Once the doctor has left the room I sneaked down into the pit to get Bowie out of there. I walked in his direction and undid his restraints and trance furred him onto a stretcher and wheeled him to the recovery area that we had. When I got into the room everybody was shocked to see him.

After we transferred him onto a bed I said. "Give Mr.. Bowie multiple IVs and monitor his condition. He is a bit out of it right now so let me know when he regains consciousness, Right now I am going to see a mate Of mine that is down the road from here but I will be back soon. Do I make myself clear?".

I and so was that I make my way down to the Queen household, One up the steps and knocked on the door when Brian answered the door.

And said. " Charlie, What are you doing here?" He was a bit surprised to see me in the middle of the day.

" I came here to warn you about something. We hired a new doctor a few weeks ago, He's been excellent but today I found him doing an experiment on David Bowie".

"Okay, come on in and tell me everything" Brian stepped aside letting me in.

Once he shut the door behind us we went into the kitchen where I told him everything when I said.

" i'm just came to tell you this because I want you to be aware of what's happening, since I know what occurred last time".

"Thank you that really means a lot and the fact we have our therapist appointment this Friday so I can bring this up with Candy".

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