Mary's P.O.V

While the others were out and about ready and I were at one of our favorite modern art museums it was nice to spend time with him, did you and vice versa I'm busy in between my shift at the hotel and the album that Jency and the boys have been working on. We just haven't had downtime to get together like we used to.

"I'm glad we could do this " I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Me too love " Freddie gave me a friendly peck on the cheek.

"We should do this more often " I manage a small half smile

"We should " he put his arm around me.

"How about after the first leg of the tour?" I leaned against him.

"That sounds lovely my dear . I'm going to get a drink, Do you want one?" Freddie grinned softy at me.

"Sure ".

"Vodka Tonic?".

"Yes please ".

"Alright I'll be right back".

Freddie stood up and walked towards the bar as I watched him walk away I was surprised that he still remembered what I liked after all I was his girlfriend and fiancé . While I was waiting for him to get back with our drinks and man suddenly walked over and sat beside me who could read my dejection and astonished expression on my face.

"What's the matter sweet thing?" He got surprisingly uncomfortably close.

" I-I" was all I can say before Freddie cut me off.

"She's mine darling " he spoke in a semi-sharp tone.

The man looked about him and walked away

"Thank you " I smiled weakly as I grabbed my drink from his hand.

"You 're welcome  love. Are you alright? I can tell something is on your mind and bothering you, you can tell me anything " he turned to me.

"Dean doesn't do all the little things that you did for me when we were together".

"Oh ..........Well I'll have to talk to him about that, don't you worry I'll make sure he takes good care of you".

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now