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John's P.O.V

It was our first day in New York City but, this time it felt different. It felt different because Casey came home for his uncle's funeral, Due to the funeral being at 11:00 in the morning we kind of had to have our showing to check earlier in the morning.

After we return from sound check I decided to take a power nap before we went to the funeral. I was so tired that I fell into a deep sleep.

"It's just you and I now" Roger kissed 'my' cheek.

" We needed this" 'I' grinned shyly.

'We' longed on the bed while a film was playing on the telly, when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it love" Roger smiled back at me.

So with that he got off the bed and walked towards the door and opened it to see a woman about our age or a little older standing in the doorway. Then it hit me it was the same woman who gave Roger a dirty look when we checked in earlier.

"Can I help you Ms.?".

"Yes, I just came to check on you to see if you guys needed anything" she faked a smile.

If Freddie we're here do you want to have read her like a book and put her in her place, Since he is very good with women.

"Yeas, We could use some beach towels in here".

"Alright i'll let one of our housekeepers know that you need some beach towels".

And that's all I truly remember since it was a blur but from there everything went downhill later on. But that's when I heard.

"John? It's time to get up love" it was Roger. "Deaky love?".

My eyes fluttered open as I saw Roger sitting on the edge of my side of the bed.

"What time is it?"

"9:35, Time to get dressed the viewing is at 10:000".

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now