Roger's P.O.V

It was early the next morning John, Brian,Freddie and I went across the street to the dentist where Brian and I had to get our wisdom teeth removed.

We were in the waiting room when the receptionist and hygienist came over to us and said.

"Alright boys Dr. Grey and Dr. Adams are ready to see you now, give Fred and Deaky a kiss then I'll take you back there" she gave a gentle half smile.

"Okay" I turned to John and gave him the sad eyes.

"You're going to be alright my little drummerboy" he ruffled my hair and French kissed me.

Brian and I stood up and turned to the two of them.

"We love you darlings and we'll see you on the other side" Freddie smiled at us shyly.

We turned back to Grace and took a deep breath.

"We're ready to go" Brian tensed up a bit.

"Okay then. I'll come and get you boys when we're done" she looked at John and Freddie.

"Alright" John smiled back.

The three of us are walked into the back where Grace put us in room that were side by side, that's when Dr. Adams walked in a short time later.

"Long time no see. How's it going Roger?" he sat down on the stool beside me.

"I can't complain. How are Rachel Chris?".

Rachel and Chris are his twin children.

"They're doing quite well, they auditioned for a band and made it in but they're trying to get recognized and that's not going to well, Rachel is the lead bass guitarist and Chris is the lead guitarist".

"Wow congratulations to the both of them and you know they can get a job at The Royal on the live nights that we have".

"I'll tell them that you said that. Can I have a business card before I hook up to you?".

"Sure. How old are they now?" I pulled out a business card and handed it to him.

"They're both seventeen now" he put it in his coat pocket.


After talking for a little while longer he hooked up the nitrous oxide to my nose. I was so relaxed that I fell asleep in the chair.

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now