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Dean's P.O.V

I was sound asleep in my bed when I heard loud banging on my hotel room door.

"Dean come on we have to go!" it was Roger, he banged on my door again.

I moan and lifted up my head to see my cock that showed it was 8:15 in the morning. After a few seconds I finally rolled out of bed and went to the door and open it to see Roger standing before me.

"Meet me in the lobby I will be down in five" I rubbed my eyes.

"Sounds good" Roger turned on his heels and left.

And so with that I got dressed and got ready for the day, heading to the lobby where the others were waiting for me. When I got down there we decided to eat at a local diner for breakfast.

We sat and ate an uncomfortable silence, then we went to the venue for sound check and unpack everything. While Freddie and the boys were on stage rehearsing.

As it got to that and hour and a half mark I became very exhausted due to the lack of sleep that I got. So I conked out on the sofa that was in the large dressing room only to hear.

"Dean?!" An hour later.

My eyes snapped open as my body jolted into the upright position.

"I'm up I'm up!".

"You look nackered mate. Are you alright?" a voice spoke up.

I looked up to see Freddie sitting beside me.

"I'm fine, just exhausted from hearing screaming that kept me up all night long".

"That sounds awful. Were they screams of terror or screams of agony?".

" I don't know honestly I just wanted to go to sleep".

"Well, Let's just hope that they laughed when we get back and maybe you can get some sleep before the show".

"That sounds nice".

After soundtrack we went back to the hotel for some downtime to eat lunch and dinner before we got ready for the show and meet our kids that we are going to take in and 'adopt'.

But before we knew it it was time to head back over to the venue and start to show.

A/N: hey guys I hope you're enjoying this chapter I'll update and write the next chapter tomorrow morning before I finish my college application that I'm been meaning to finish for a long time now so yeah let me know what you think of this chapter.

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now