Dean's P.O.V

It was a few days after Freddie returned back to normal as his jovial self when I was working as a bouncer at the front entrance of The Royal. When I heard.

"Can I get a bouncer from the front entrance to the main barn please? There is a bar fight in progress. Again, Can I get a bouncer from the front entrance please?" As Brian's voice came from the radio that was clipped on the side of my belt.

I unclipped the radio from my belt to answer it and said. " I'm on my way Bri. Where is it occurring?".

"In the Gray lounge, a bouncer from one of the side entrances is already here".

"Okay, Just get here quickly this is getting out of hand".

"I'm coming".

And so with that I made my way insane and ran into the Gray lounge to see two guys throwing punches and going at it at each other, only to see Kyle one of the bouncers struggling to keep them apart.

I charged my way torrents them and taco and one of the two guys to the ground and put him in my handcuffs to restrain him from attacking the other guy who was in pretty rough shape. Then I realized he was very intoxicated with booze that reeked from his breath.

"Alright mate stand up come on" I hope they handcuffed man stand up and rocked him over to one of the booths that was empty.

Then all of the sudden I heard Big bang followed by a thud. And then I turned to see Kyle on the floor where is the other guy towering of him.

"Hey!" I rushed over and handcuffed the guy, who was high and very aggravated.

That's when Brian rushed over to Kyle and stood him up slowly and said. "Are you okay? How do you feel?".

" I think I might have in concussion and need to go to the A&E".

"Alright I'll take you mate" Brian turned to me and said. "You got it from here?".

"Yeah I got it, I'll let Sabrina know that you're taking him and she can meet you there. I will also call Adam to pick these two up".

And so with that I did both of those things what's in the matter of minutes. Only not long after my shift was over and I headed home

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now