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John's P.O.V

We were  on our way to Detroit when we stopped in the middle of no where at a Waffle House. When Freddie spoke up and said with his slurred speech.

"Alright who's going in there and telling them that they have a caravan of tour buses waiting out in the car park?".

We all looked at Jency.

"Why are you looking at mr?"She shifted her eyes at all of us.

"You're the actress" Roger slurred.

"Fine. I hate it when you guys do this to me" Jency stood up to leave.

"I"m coming with you. The loo on here doesn't work " Chloe stood up as well.

"Alright then, we'll be back".

"Thank you Jence" I smiled at her.

Then she smacked the back of my head as she walked by.

"Bitchy much" Brian uttered under his breath. 

"I heard that Bri" Jency rolled her ears as the driver opened the door.

"You just got sassed" Ty smirked.

"Oh shut up".

But, not long after the girls left they came right returned with Charlotte and the others behind them. 

"Alright guys, put on you coats and let's go inside" Chloe slurred.

So with that all went inside, sat down, took our coats off and ordered our food. All of us ended ordered way too much so we sliced it with one another.

That's how stoned we all were.

"Oh god, Can someone please take these Waffles away from me?!" Freddie spat

"I'll take it off your hands Fred" Casey raised his hand.

"Oh god, thank you mate you're a life saver".

After awhile the Mary Jane crash started to set in.

"Roger I'm tired I think I want to lay down".

"Me too love and I think we're not the only ones".

And after we ate, we  all went back onto the bus, conking right out on the sofas and floor.

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now