Freddie's P.O.V

"Okay Freddie, I want to try an exercise with you"  Melody laid down her pen and and paper.

"Alright, go ahead" I sunk into the beanbag seat more getting comfortable.

"I'm going to come behind you and give you a temple massage to relieve some stress" she grinned softly.

"That sounds lovely"  I grinned back at her softly.

So she stood up, walked behind me and knelt down. That's she said.

"And don't be afraid to fall asleep".

I giggled . "Okay".

And so with that Melody started the temple massage.

"Mmmmmh.......That feels nice" I smiled, as I felt a warm and heavy sensation wash over me.

"You like this. Don't you Fred?" she smirked at me.

I nodded.

You know that feeling of blissfulness? That feeling of being calm as you began to drift of f to sleep?. Well, that me about to fall asleep, but for some reason I was slipping into a dreamy state of mind. I've never felt this way before.

My eyes slowly fluttered shut, when I head.

"Freddie, come on it'll be just you and I"it was Brian.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see that I was on the sofa in the living room.

"Alright love, I'll get the trailer hooked up to the bike while you pack our stuff" 'I' pecked him on the cheek.

After the two of 'us' met up again they drove off to Brighton, So I followed them to see what was going on. Then drove for a little while until they stopped at a little inn that looked like a nice hotel that most people could afford, but it wasn't a classy upscale hotel that we were used to.

The two of them walked hand-in-hand into the hotel and asked for their room.

The receptionist lady gave 'me ' the dirtiest look.

"Something wrong dear?" 'I' smiled softly at her.

"No, I'm just tired. Enjoy your stay" she managed a fake smile.

"Thanks" Brian took 'my ' hand in his as we both walked away.

That's all I remember the rest where is hazy.

That's when I opened my eyes when my body suddenly junkie me awake.

"Well, look who woke up" it was Melody.

"How long was I out?".

"Not long. You looked like you were dreaming".

"I was. Brian and I went to Brighton for a few days and there was a lady Who likes to me and......" my voice trailed off because I forgot the rest of it.

"I know".


"I'm a seer, the colony people are hippies, gypsies, musicians or a mixture of the three".


"You boys have a gift that you soon find out".

A/N: hey guys I hope you like this chapter there will be plenty more chapters like this. I hope everyone is doing well in quarantine I know it might be boring but just hang in there! ❤️

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