Freddie's P.O.V

I was soundly asleep when I suddenly heard the doorbell ring. I opened my eyes groggily and turned to my clock.

It was 11:45 am, I rolled back onto my left side to see Jency who was wearing her Prada bra and underwear laying in bed beside the doorbell rang again.

I sat up, got out of bed, put on my kimono and ran downstairs you open the door where I saw a familiar face, one that I didn't want to see in his police uniform. "Adam? What are you doing here?" I put my hand to my head feeling slightly hungover.

"Get Jency, I need to take you both to the police station to ask you some questions about what happened last night" his face softened.

"Okay.......umm come in make yourself comfortable. I'll go get her" I stuttered as I step aside letting him in.

I shut the door behind him as he walked inside and I ran back upstairs to my bedroom but, before I went to my room I walked into Jency's bedroom grabbing her satin bathrobe.

"Jency sweetheart get up..... Adam"s here" I held her bathrobe out for her.

She moaned as she rolled onto her left side, her eyes slightly open. She was a lightweight. The poor girl was only 110 lbs,5'6" and toned bodied. So to sum it all up she was tiny.

"Morning dear".

"Ohhh......Freddie I don't feel good let me sleep" she closed her eyes again.

"I know, but come on. Adam needs to take to the police station. So the sooner we get there this you can crawl back into bed".

She opened her eyes again, pushed herself up and sat up. "Let's get this over with" Jency put her hand to her head. "But you owe me".

I put on her robe as she stood up. "I'll take care of you when we get back" I gave her a small smile.

"Thanks Fred".

We walked down the hall and about to go down the stairs, when Jency put her hand to her head.

"You alright there love?".

"I don't think I can go down there Freddie. I'm still slightly hammered and stoned".

"Okay put your arm around me. I can transfer your weight onto me so you don't have to do a lot of walking".

And so with that I helped her walk down the stairs and into the living room where Adam where is waiting for us.

"There she is" he pealed himself off of the mantle.

Jency moaned.

"Ready to go?".

"Yes dear".

As the three of us walked out of the house I held Jency up, the poor thing was so hungover she could barely walk. We got in the police car and drove to the police station, as we drove  Jency was breathing deep and heavy. That was something that she did when she felt nauseous, but she had a fear of hurling.

"You okay?" I rubbed her back.

"Mmmhum" she nodded, quickly .

When this kind of stuff would happened to her, she would get quite woozy. After a twenty five minute drive we pulled up to the police station, got out of the car and went inside.

Where we sat outside of the interrogation cell.

"Freddie?" Jency spoke in almost a whisper

"Yes dear?" My eyes drifted down to her face.

"I can't remember much of anything from last night. Everything is a blur" her head was stationary on my shoulder..

"Shit I didn't think of that.......umm alright then just let me do the talking"


After a ten minute wait we walked into the room where we sat for thirty minutes. When one of the detectives said.

"Okay Mr. Mercury I think it's best if you take Ms. Sparks home. Since there's no point in keeping you both here when she's miserable".

"Okay, it was lovely meeting you" I shook his hand.

"It was lovely meeting you as well Mr. Mercury and don't worry about calling a cab because we called one for you" he gave me a soft half smile.

"Thank you" I turned to Jency and rubbed her back. "Jence come on love. We going home now" I whispered in her ear.

Jency lifted her head from the table and moaned. She was pale as a ghost as we walked out to the awaiting taxi and we got into the car.

"Where to sir?" The driver looked back in the rear wire mirror.

"57224 Maddox Street please" I gave a half smile.

And so with that we drove off.

"Freddie......I think I'm coming down with something" Jency licked her lips.

"You're going to be alright " I gently squeezed her arms.

Before we knew it the car pulled up to the house.

"Well guys this's your stop" the driver turned to us.

"Thank you my dear, have a lovely afternoon" I smiled as I gave him a rather large £10 tip.

But it didn't matter, my priority right then was to get Jency upstairs and into bed. When we entered the empty house I walked Jency to the stairs and said.

"Hang onto the banister I'm going to close the door. Okay? You good darling ?".

She nodded.

As I was closing the front door I sensed something. When I turned back around I saw Jency fall to her knees.

"Oh god!" I ran over and knelt down beside her. "Honey? Are you alright?" I rubbed her back.

"I feel woozy and nauseous Freddie...." Jency put her hand to her head.

"Alright love, let's you in bed. Okay?" I gave her a small reassuring smile.

After helping her up the stairs and into bed I laid beside her as she laid her head and arm on my chest.

"Thank you for taking care of me Fred" she mumbled softly.

"No problem dear, you just drift off to sleep" I stroked her hair.

And so with that is she drifted off to sleep within about five minutes. Not long after that Casey walked into the room.

"Hey" he whispered as he leaned against the door frame.

"Hey" I whispered as I continued to stroke her hair.

"Major hangover?" Casey nodded towards Jency as he whispered.

"Yeah. You're not pissed that I'm in my boxers laying in bed beside your fiancé?" I whispered.

Casey peeled himself of the door frame and pulled out his suitcases from his wardrobe.

"No. But listen I'm going back home to Brooklyn to take care of some family drama. So please take good care of her".

"We will".

And so with that Casey packed his things and walked out of the room after kissing Jency on the forehead. Not very long after I fell fast asleep beside her

Get Down Make Love (Joger & Frian Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now