Chapter 6

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~Nathan's POV~

I woke up with a pounding headache. Ugh, what happened last night? All I remembered was Amelia in a sexy red dress. And said Natalia to someone. Natalia was a sort of mash up name for me and Amelia. And the fact that I punched someone. Who did I punch?

-A week later, on Friday-

~Amelia's POV~

"Bye Daniella!" I yelled as I walked out. Today was the final exam, I was free!

"Bye Amelia! And hope you get through!" I smiled back at her and walked to the nearest Starbucks to grab some tea or something.

My black eye was still obvious, and my story was that I was in a bar fight. Only Daniella knew the actual story. Chris doesn't know I have a black eye, and I haven't seen Tom or the lads yet. Now it only hurts if say, I put even the slightest amount of pressure on it.

"Erm... One Dark Mocha frappe please," I ordered before handing the cashier the exact amount. Then I felt my phone buzzing. It was Tom, calling me. What did he want?

"Hey, Amelia, can you come over?"

"What for?"

"We have a surprise, and before you hang up, it's a sort of thank you and sorry for that night. Chris Colfer visited us the next morning and told us he helped you bring us back. So, just be there by 4pm, yeah?"

"Fine. Anything else?"

"Yeah, get ready for something hot!"

With that he hung up. Huh? Something hot? What was that supposed to mean? I looked at the time. Great, I only had an hour an a half to get ready and get there. I quickly rushed home.

I changed into navy blue skinny jeans and a long sleeved deep purple shirt. I tied my hair in a high ponytail, like the Cheerios did in Glee. Yes, I watch Glee and I love how the Cheerios tie their hair. Then I pulled on my black converse high tops and stuffed my phone, keys and inhaler in my purse before heading out the door.

When I arrived, I got a text from Tom to go to his room. I went and knocked twice before I heard Jay.

"One moment!" I giggled and got mentally ready for what might be coming. Tom opened the door.

"That's weird, I was sure I only heard Jay," I muttered sarcastically. He chuckled and let me in. The lads were all sat on the bed and gasped when they saw me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked, worried. I was sure my face was clean.

"Who punched you, Amelia?" Tom asked, concern lacing his voice. Oh... That. I was hoping he would ignore it.

"Oh... Er... Bar fight," I mumbled. Max and Jay laughed, and I faked a smile along with them. Tom, however, thought differently and brought me aside. He asked what really happened. I debated telling him.

"Er... You remember the night we went out right? Well, you see, Chris Colfer helped bring you, Max and Siva back so I was left with Nathan and Jay. Er... Nathan was a little... Too drunk," I muttered the last bit.

"What else did he do?"

"Nothing really. Just the punch... Es," he was shaking by now. I held my hand on his arm.

"Relax, it wasn't bad," I assured him. I went back out and he followed, his face still filled with fury. The others noticed and asked what was wrong.

"Thomas, calm down. I'm fine!" I reassured him, but he was stubborn.

"No, you're not. You think you're fine. Nathan, she brought you home, she practically had to carry you home, the least you could do was control yourself, instead of punching her!" Oh dear God. Why did Tom always let his temper get in the way? Nathan's face had shock written all over it.

Troubles Piling On (Sequel to Leaving the Past Behind)Where stories live. Discover now