Chapter 13

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~Amelia's POV~

Wow, it's time to head for America already. A month flew by, just like that. I hadn't spoken to Reed or Amy since, keeping myself busy. Jayne often caught me on Tom's guitar-he had given me his consent to use it any time-and would have to tell me to relax. Whenever she and the lads have a day to relax, they usually headed to a beach or park. I'd decline and stay in the bus. One of the lads always offered to stay with me, but I just shook my head and told them to enjoy themselves.

When I wasn't helping Jayne and the boys, I was fooling around on Tom's guitar, or writing a chapter to update my story. I made sure never to have free time on my hands. I was afraid of what I might do. Call me crazy, but I'd much rather have no free time on my hands. When the boys go out with Jayne, I would stay behind and clean the bus, it's disgusting how messy these guys can be!

"Boys get up! Have you packed? We need to check in by 6am!" Jayne yelled. I looked up from my laptop. I had been awake since 4am working on my story, and it was now 4.30am. I was feeling drained but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep. I shut down my laptop and went up to wake the lads up. Siva was already up, rubbing his eyes and stretching. I went over to Max, who was sleeping above Siva and shook him awake. He groaned and sat up and I moved to Jay and Tom.

Finally it was Nathan's turn to be woken up. He looked so peaceful.

"Nathan... Nath you need to get up," I shook him gently.

"No... Gimme just five minutes mom," he whined. Aww no matter what he was always a mummy's boy. It was so adorable at times. I chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"Your mummy's not here, and you have a flight to catch. Nath, get up. I'll make tea," I shook him. Finally he sat up, muttering curses.

"Why is it I'm always referred to as a mom? I'm not that old, am I Nath?" I asked, and he blushed.

"No, but you're very mom-like. You know, caring, always putting others first, naggy, ow!" I whacked his arm lightly and proceeded downstairs to make his tea. Well, I ended up making 10 cups of tea. For myself, the lads, Jayne, Kevin, Martin and the bus driver. I carefully held the tray holding the cups and made my way around the bus, handing each person their respective mug/cup. Jayne, Siva, Martin, Kevin, Max and Jay were in the lounge area, so I gave them their real quickly, receiving mutters of thanks in return. Then I found Tom in the kitchen on his phone and handed him his mug, and he smiled gratefully before returning to his conversation. I gave the bus driver his too, and Nath was still packing upstairs. I handed him his mug and sat beside him, sipping my own tea as he rushed around, throwing his stuff in his luggage bag.

After a while, the clothes were starting to pile up and I realised he was never going to fit everything in there if that continued. So while he rushed around like a maniac, searching for clothes, I sat and helped by folding everything up nice and placing it in neatly.

"Thanks babe," he came in and kissed my forehead lightly. I smiled and continued folding, and after half an hour, he was done. At last. He thanked me again.

"Boys let's go! If we miss the flight I swear we will walk to America!" Jayne yelled causing the rest of us to erupt in laughter. The lads all grabbed their bags and ran down first. I grabbed my huge pink luggage bag and struggled with carrying it down. In the end, I guess gravity got impatient and I fell, the bag landing on my arm. I cried out in pain, shit it hurt like a bitch.

"You alright?" Max asked helping me up. Sadly, one of the sharp ends had grazed my arm, and currently blood was flowing like there was no tomorrow. Yeah, I'm alright. I told him I would be fine and he walked out.

I ran to the kitchen and run water over the graze, cursing under my breath at the sting. It wasn't a small tear, so I hunted for a first aid kit and grabbed a roll of gauze bandage, wrapping some around my arm before attaching it together with the tape. The blood seeped through a little, but at least it covered up.

Troubles Piling On (Sequel to Leaving the Past Behind)Where stories live. Discover now