Chapter 33

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~Amelia's POV~

"N-Nath! What in God's name are you doing here?!" I kept my volume low, seeing as it was 4.30 am. His face was filled with so many emotions. Relief, anger, disappointmet, all mied up.

"Why didn't you just tell me?!" I could hear anger in his voice.

"Because of this! I didn't want you to travel halfway across the world just to see me! You have a... Radio interview today in Taiwan! Nathan!" I groaned in frustration.

"Oh, so this is my fault? You disappear, Jayne refuses to tell me what happened. A whole week I thought you died or something! Finally one of the stage crew tells me, I fly literally across the globe for you, and this is what I get in return?! I have such a grateful girlfriend," he muttered sarcastically.

"Nathan, this is why I didn't tell you! I don't want you stopping the shows for this? Do you realise how many fans will be disappointed because you're not there? They paid hundreds to see The Wanted, not to see four members of The Wanted," I sighed, exasperated.

"Amelia, I was worried sick! You were just... Gone! Jayne told me you had to go, but didn't say why. Is it because you don't trust me? Is that it?" He asked, furious. I stepped out, out of the hospital, so I wouldn't disturb anyone sleeping.

"It's not that! Nathan, I just didn't want you following me! Look at this mess! I know you, Nath! It's great that you care. But you have a job to do!" I yelled.

"Why don't you see that you're more important! I come here, feeling jet lagged as hell, and this is the welcome I get?!" His voice was steadily raising.

"I didn't ask you to come!" I yelled. Rolling his eyes, he stormed off.

"Ugh!" I yelled in frustration, punching the wall. It hurt like hell, but I continued doing it, feeling blood drip down my knuckle.

~Nathan's POV~

Why couldn't she just be happy to see me? I was tired, exhausted even. Why couldn't she trust me? Anger was radiating off me.

I trusted her, that's for sure. If anything were to happen to Jess or Mum, she'd be the first person I would tell. But if she didn't trust me... I sent her a text, making my mind. I knew I would regret this, but did it anyway.

I'm sorry, but if you don't trust me, this will never work out. I want to take a break from us.

Author's Note: This is like the shortest chapter ever, but I'll put another one up soon, don't worry. Thanks for reading, BTW.


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