Chapter 23

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~Nathan's POV~

"Nath..." She started, her face pained. Oh Jesus. She was going to say no. Girls who spoke in that tone always said no. I closed my eyes and braced for an impact, to feel the rejection. But it never came. Mentally, at least. Physically, I felt someone throw herself at me. I automatically wrapped my arms around her.

"Yes. Nathan James Sykes, I love you. I'm sorry I ever said no. My answer will always be yes for you," she mumbled into my neck. So many feelings flooded me. Relief, love, happiness, hope. It all came crashing at me, like a wave crashing the shores. Only one thing was running through my mind, over and over.

She was mine again.

~Amelia's POV~

"Yes. Nathan James Sykes, I love you. I'm sorry I ever said no. My answer will always be yes for you," I mumbled into Nathan's neck. His arms snaked around my waist and squeezed me tighter.

"I love you too," he mumbled, and I could hear the grin in his simple sentence. We just stayed like that, hugging for a long while. Finally, he pulled away and I could see his eyes were... Different. They were no longer sad, they were filled with happiness, hope, relief.

He leaned forward, our noses were almost touching. I could feel his breath on my face, and held my breath, letting my eyelids droop as he gently placed his lips on mine. Oh, how I missed his warm, soft lips. So much.

I missed this feeling. Knowing that I want someone. Knowing that he wanted me back. His lips moulded onto mine perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. My whole life was a puzzle. And he was the missing piece I never knew was gone. His tongue lightly dragged across my lower lip, and I gasped in surprise. His tongue slipped in, and massaged mine gently. I didn't want him to have all the action, so I massaged his tongue back. He seemed surprised, I never fought back before. But he didn't pull away. If anything, he fought even harder, determined to win the battle. This went on for God knows how long, and eventually we had to pull away for air. We sat, our faces still only inches apart, breathing heavily.

"Wow... I didn't know you were so... feisty," he whispered. I looked down, my cheeks flaming up immediately.

"So... Where do we go from here?" I asked softly, not wanting to ruin the moment. He smiled.

"We go get you changed, because I am taking you out," he grinned tapping my nose. What? Where? At this time?

"B-But where? Now? I-" he cut me off by kissing me softly, distracting me with that zap I always felt when we touched.

"Sh... Don't over think, babe. Just wear something nice and I'll wait here. Take as long, as you need," he said, encouraging me to go on. As soon as I turned away I noticed he was madly typing on his phone, eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey, Nath, what d'you want me to wear? Anything specific?" I asked.

"Not dress, not jeans. I wanna see my baby in something different," I could hear his smirk. I knew just what to wear. Quickly searching through my wardrobe, I pulled out a denim skirt I hadn't worn in a long while. I hadn't worn skirts since... Gosh I can't even remember when. Then I hunted some more and yanked out a white button up blouse. The blouse had sleeves which could be rolled up, and I quickly pulled it on. Wearing my denim skirt, I tucked the blouse in, and added a thin belt. There.

For make-up, I tossed on some light foundation and lightly dabbed on some grey eyeshadow, keeping it subtle. Then I slapped on Root Beer Lip Smackers and pulled on a pair of nude peep-toe heels. I switched my digital watch for a bracelet watch with linking hearts. Finally, I clasped on a necklace with a simple treble clef pendant on it. Sean had bought it for me as a simple thank you present for teaching him. It was then I found out he had been working as a waiter for a year, to help Mrs Cole out with finances by paying for his own stuff. He would also sometimes buy the other kids ice-cream, if he got a bonus. It was sweet of him, thinking of others.

I went back downstairs, where I found Nathan had fallen fast asleep. Who could blame him? He had just finished a concert, gotten drunk, had an asthma attack, and convinced me to be his girlfriend again. I didn't have the heart to wake him so I just changed out, and wore my baggy shirt and shorts before going back to the couch. He looked so uncomfortable. So I pulled him up and dragged him onto my bed, which wasn't that difficult because 1) He was light. 2) I have been working out and 3) My bed wasn't too far from the couch. He didn't even stir. Pulling off his shirt, I looked at the clock, almost 3 am.

I went and washed the makeup I had off and when I went back, Nathan was clutching one of my pillows like it was a real person. Problem was, I needed the pillow to sleep! I tugged gently at it, but his arm and leg snaked around it tighter, squeezing it as if it were a real person.

"No, don't go Am," I heard him mumble, eyes still closed. I smiled sweetly, it was cute he thought I was the pillow. He was cuddling it right on the edge of the bed. Sadly, he was also hogging the duvet. I had only ordered a single bed, and regretted it now. In the end, I gave up and curled up on the carpeted floor, curling tightly into myself. I had no idea how to control the air-conditioning, and was shivering slightly. It took a while, but eventually, I fell asleep.

Author's Note: As I promised, the reads hit 30 and the chapter is up! I hope you enjoyed this short, but important chapter. So, what d'you honestly think could be improved? I needs to know. I'll put up another chapter when I hit the appropriate number of reads (Muahahaha) and when I have free time. To all fellow Singaporean students, like my mate Lichyuha, hope ya have a great March holiday. Go on, give her a follow. Her stuff's really good, go and read them! Guess that's all for now, love ya peeps!


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