Chapter 17

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~Amelia's POV~

"This is our last concert in America for now, and we wanna thank everybody here tonight! America's been great!" Max yelled to the massive crowd. And it wasn't just in the stadium. There were fans who couldn't get in, so they camped outside hoping to hear these guys. I love how the TWFanmily were so dedicated to these guys.

The Wanted have really come a long way. I remember when Nathan used to come home after months. He wouldn't see me, but from Jess, his sister, I got updates. She would gush on about how successful they were going to be, how she knew they would turn out big. I used to watch each and every one of his performances. If they performed at a school, I would ask if I could do some volunteering to watch them. I never made my presence known to Nathan, just quiet in the background. From schools of bored children to a stadium literally overflowing with fans.

"You guys really rocked it tonight," Jayne commented as the lads ran down the side of the stage hollering at the top of their lungs. I stood to the side and smiled quietly. As the lads changed into more comfortable clothes, Jayne briefed us all.

"Alright, so after this, we all get two months break, which means we start again a week before August. From there, we have a gig in London, then move on to Asia," she explained. Everyone nodded. I thought about it. Two months, what was I going to do to fill that hole? First, I would go and smack sense into Reed for breaking Amy's heart. January to May she had been avoiding him, crying to me every few nights. I haven't bothered calling Reed, I'd rather face him and be able to sock his face in than yell at him over the phone and break something in anger.

-A few days later-

"Amelia, you're home! You're actually here!" Amy rushed forward to hug me and I laughed.

"No, this is all a dream. Amelia is dead," I said in a weird voice. I knew Amy could be a little superstitious and was once again proven right as she shrieked and shook my shoulders. I laughed and she relaxed. I grabbed my luggage and placed it on my bed, knowing I would unpack it later. It was only 9 am, but I was absolutely knackered. I took a refreshing, much needed shower and relaxed as the water came in contact on my skin. I missed showering in peace. On the bus, the lads would always bang on the door, making me rush to finish. I enjoyed the scalding of the water, and when I finally stepped out, my skin was red as a lobster.

"Hey, Amelia... Can we go out for dinner? I know you wanna sleep, so I asked for dinner instead of lunch," Amy said. I agreed before flopping onto my much missed bed.

-A few hours later-

"Amelia, babe wake up," Amy shook me. I groaned and sat up, looking at my digital clock before groaning again. It was already 6 pm?! Amy told me to get ready, that we would be leaving in an hour.

"Here, put this on, I bought it while you were with The Wanted," she said tossing me a skin tight pink tank top and a pair of navy jeans. Well, the top was supposed to be skin tight. After I had been and idiot and said no to Nathan, I had let myself go, but by bit so the others wouldn't notice. Now the tank top was a baggy too.

First I started eating less. Just skipping lunch or dinner, so no one noticed. Then skipping one meal became skipping a few. It came up to me just surviving on a single mug of tea. Then I always get easily frustrated. I was going insane, keeping my feelings bottled up. Then it comes out depending on what I was doing. Normally I would jog, or do something physical. A few times I would grab Tom's guitar and strum what came to mind, some melodies not even making sense but feeling right. And other, really desperate times where I punched the wall nearest to me. Within the span of a few months, I wasn't myself. Sure, I seemed happy with the lads. But there's the beauty of acting. Nobody even realises.

Pushing aside the tank top, I pulled on a purple polo shirt with the navy skinny jeans. Now they made my legs really skinny. I thought about it, then clasped on my treble cleft necklace. Pulling on my purple sneakers, I grabbed a black purse and tossed my valuables in. Lately I had this insane obsession with purple. I don't even know why, I just saw a purple slim fit top and fell in love with purple. Deep purple, lavender, fuchsia, aubergine, all shades of purple.

"Amelia? I need another ten minutes, please?" She asked. I told her to take her time and went on to my hair. I tied it in a tight ponytail, before grabbing my curling iron and adding a few barrel curls at the end. There. I looked a little like Cheerios cheerleader, minus the unform. I applied some light foundation and lip gloss and slipped on my black and purple digital watch. Amy finally came out from the spare room she had been in and we headed out.

"Let's go to... McDonald's?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I wanna eat at Nando's today," she told me. I nodded and got in my newly acquired car. I had just sold my silver convertible for a silver Pontiac Solstice. We rode in silence.

"You. Are. Never. Driving. Again," Amy gasped out as I started driving.

"Sorry, got carried away," I mumbled sheepishly. It was my first time in my new car, after all. I was excited. Sha placed a hand on the dashboard, gasping dramatically. I laughed, she could be such a diva sometimes.

"Oh, shut up Ames, remember when you first drove?" I poked her side, causing her to squirm.

"You know I really am genuinely sorry for that, right?" She asked, worry in her eyes. I laughed.

"Relax, it was three years ago and no one else knows anyway," I reassured her.


"I can't believe you actually passed your test!" I squealed. Amy grinned even wider at my excitement. She climbed in the driver's seat and I jumped in beside her. I was seventeen and had never ridden in a car before, not with my friends anyway. Amy was nineteen, just gotten her license.

"Let's go!" She shrieked excitedly before starting the ignitions. We just drove around London for a while, enjoying the sights and stuff. Suddenly she braked, out of nowhere and my head whacked against the dashboard, causing me a major migraine for the following days.

-End of Flashback-

"Amelia!" Amy exclaimed. A car was barrelling our way, fast. I jammed on the brakes but it was too late. Unable to do anything else, I pulled off my seatbelt and threw myself onto Amy, praying that she wouldn't get hurt.

All I remembered next was something slamming into me and Amy screaming out my name. I didn't even feel the burn of the pain. In my mind, four words were replaying.

I love you Nathan.

Author's Note: What's gonna happen to Amelia? Memory loss, maybe? Hmm... Alright, you'll find out in the next chapter. Okay, I did it! I managed to write a cliffhanger! Okay, enough celebrating. I'll post another part up soon and my next update... Will depend on you. If I get more than 10 reads, or 3 comments from different people telling me what they honestly think of the chapter, then I'll update. But I ain't so easy. It must be 10 reads per chapter, and 3 comments per chapter. So... Promote my story maybe? You know I'll love you anyway.


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