Chapter 32

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~Amelia's POV~

"Hello? Ms Brown?" I snapped out of my thoughts by the lady's sympathetic voice.

"I'm sorry. I will be there as soon as is possible," I said hanging up. Quickly, I called Jayne, despite being minutes away. I ran to find a cab.

"Jayne? I'm so sorry, I'll have to be heading back to London. Reed-He's been in an accident. Don't tell anyone, not even Nathan. If he asks, just tell him I'm sorry and I will be back as soon as I can," I rushed through my words. Jayne told me it was alright and that she would book me the soonest flight to London. I thanked her as I stepped out from the taxi, rushing to my hotel room and packing everything, grateful I hadn't unpacked much.

Jayne sent me an email with the ticket, which I quickly printed out. The only thought on my mind was that Reed was in the hospital. He was injured, he was in critical condition. My phone buzzed, but I ignored it, impatiently waiting for the piece of paper from the printer.

"Hey... It's Nath. Jayne said you needed to leave? What's wrong? Please, call me back as soon as you get this?" I could hear frustration in Nathan's voicemail. I felt guilty, I should probably tell him about Reed, but I knew Nathan. He would insist on coming with me, causing a massive disruption in the shows and a lot of disappointed fans. I couldn't do that. Not to him, not to his fans.

As soon as the ticket was printed I tore the paper from the poor printer and sprinted, with my luggage and backpack, to a waiting taxi. I told him to take me to HK airport, and was grateful when he promised to be there in less than half an hour. My plane boarded in... An hour and a half. I drummed my fingers impatiently to the beat of Demi Lovato's Heart Attack.

-In London-

After a gruelling 13 hours, I stepped out from Heathrow Airport, breathing in the usual cold, damp air of London. I quickly hailed a taxi and directed him to the hospital Reed was at. I called Mum and Dad.

"Amelia, honey. I take it you heard?" Mum sniffed. I hummed in response.

"Mum, I'm on my way. How's Reed? How's Amy?" I asked. Mum told me Reed was due to wake up any time soon, and Amy... Was torn up. Badly. She had watched him being knocked down, and was pretty traumatised. She had been having nightmares, and so far no one had been able to calm her down until she fell back asleep due to exhaustion. Mum said she was afraid, as both her and Dad had to go back to work soon and they didn't want to leave Reed or Amy alone.

As soon as the driver pulled up in front of the hospital I tossed him some money, told him to keep the change and ran to Ward 418, on the fourth level. I was greeted by Mum, who wrapped me in a huge embrace. Dad gave me a weak smile.

"How's he?" I asked weakly, looking over at Reed's limp figure. Mum tried to respond, but ended up sobbing in my shoulder. I patted her back, soothing her. There was no need for an answer to my question.

I looked back over to Reed, who was still unconscious. His side swept fringe was now matted on his forehead, his face pale, no longer having life. I walked over to his side while Mum and Dad agreed to go home and get some rest.

"Hey Reed. It's your little sis here. Funny, I remember telling you to take care of Amy, not get into an accident, ya know?" I attempted a feeble joke. And failed, instead having to struggle to hold back tears.

"Anyway... Do wake up soon. I spent half a day travelling here. I'm tired, but I swear I will wait for you to wake up. And I promise to take care if Amy while you're... You know, here. So hurry up, yeah? You of all people know I'm not the most patient of people, so..." I trailed off. I decided to keep talking, in an attempt to stay sane and awake.

Troubles Piling On (Sequel to Leaving the Past Behind)Where stories live. Discover now