Chapter 9

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~Jayne's POV~

"Boys, I'm sure she'll be here, lemme call her," I was worried. Amelia was late, and I was really starting to get worried. She was never late, according to Nathan. I called her cell phone. No reply. Suddenly knocks on my door. Finally! I yanked it open and gasped at the sight before me.

"Amelia what happened to you?" I asked. Her hair was a mess and she was clutching her stomach, almost doubling over. There were bruises on her arms and her legs were shaky.

"So... Sorry I'm... Late," she said before passing out.

~Amelia's POV~

Shit. My legs were hurting really badly, my stomach was killing me and the black eye stung. I was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Amelia what happened to you?" Jayne asked worriedly. This was one heck of a weird story.

"So... Sorry I'm... Late," I managed to wheeze out. Someone get me my inhaler please, I mentally begged as I gave in to the darkness.

~Tom's POV~

Amelia just passed out in front of us! What were we supposed to do? Ah, shit! Nathan immediately rushed to her side while the rest stood motionless.

"Someone give me her bag," Nathan was now cradling Amelia's head. I tossed it to him and he dug around, pulling out a small blue inhaler. He put it up to her mouth before gently puffing twice. I was clueless.

"Come on Amelia. Wake up," he whispered in a shaky voice, puffing twice again. He was shaking like a leaf. Her eyes started to flutter. She looked up at him and gave him a hint of a smile, and he sighed in relief.

"What happened, Am?" I listened as he asked her. Only Nathan called her Am for some reason. If anyone else tried she would ignore them.

"Erm... It's the weirdest story, I'm still trying to believe it myself," she said trying to get up. When she bent over, she winced in pain. She lifted her shirt slightly to find an ugly bruise.

"Ouch. That's ugly. And the story... You sure you wanna hear this?" she asked. The rest nodded.

"Well, you're gonna have to explain that one somehow right?" I piped up. She smiled weakly at me.

"Well... I was here, but a girl distracted me," she started.

~Amelia's POV~

Oh God this was the weirdest story ever. I was still trying to believe it myself as I tell the lads.


I was running here then a girl distracted me. She had seen me and started yelling stuff. At first I wasn't too bothered, well I was late so I just kept on walking. But she continued yelling and I couldn't hear properly so I went closer.

"Hey loser!" I was shocked to find a (very pretty) blonde yelling at me.

"I'm sorry?" I managed to sputter. Who did she think she was? She came up to my face and I could smell the alcohol reeking.

"You heard me. First you go and break Darren's heart now you're sleeping around this pussy boy band!" What? How did she know about my first boyfriend? And how dare she call The Wanted a pussy boy band? I tried controlling my temper, and it was barely in check.

"How dare you call them a pussy boy band. You have no idea the hard work they put in. And FYI, I don't sleep around. Heck, I haven't slept with a guy in the past bloody year!" I raised my voice, my Gloucester accent very blatant right now.

Troubles Piling On (Sequel to Leaving the Past Behind)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن