Chapter 7

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~Amelia's POV~

"Alright, where to, dear Mr Colfer?" I asked. He chuckled.

"My, I sound old. And we're headed to the cutest little bistro I had found. I already have a reservation and they know Dave's allowed, so no problem," he replied. It was easy, comfortable to be in his presence. There was no tension whatsoever between us. He grabbed my hand and dragged me. I laughed and followed him as paps flashed like crazy.

"Nice choice of clothing, by the way. The blue just goes with your skin tone. And that bag? Just wonderful," he commented and I blushed. I wore a dark blue dress with a sweetheart neckline and blue heels. We then proceeded on to the topic of fashion, and had a slight debate on the wedding dress of the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. Then we arrived at the cutest little bistro I had ever seen. The waitress brought us to a private booth where a guy with a camera waited.

"Dave, this is my friend Amelia, Amelia meet my boyfriend Dave," I gave him a quick hug. He was hot! His muscles weren't too huge like a weird buff guy, but I'd say he was a little like Tom, muscle-wise. And he was about 5'8, about the same height as Chris.

"Hi. Pleasure to meet such a lovely lady such as yourself," he greeted.

"Pleasure is all mine. Thank you, by the way, for helping me out," I replied.

"Oh no problem, Chris and I are always up for helping someone out. Okay, you'll be mostly taking photos from your phone, and I'll grab the last one where Chris leans into you. So for now, have fun!" I smiled before he exited the booth. The waitress came and took our orders, before leaving.

I snapped a few cheeky photos on my phone, of Chris and I. They were convincing enough that people might believe we were a couple.

"Oh, your boy is going to be so jealous," Chris commented, chuckling and I joined in. We talked about the most random of subjects, but most of our conversation revolved around fashion. Big surprise.

"I'm just saying, if I'm going to wear blue eyeshadow, it's not contrasting! My eyes won't stand out!" Chris and I were talking about what were the best makeup to wear on a date. He insisted blue eyeshadow would look good on me.

"Alright, tell me what you would wear and makeup on a date," he challenged me. I smirked. He has no idea I was training in this kinda thing.

"Well, it depends. Say I wanna go 'innocent girl'. I'd wear my sky blue skinny jeans and I have this cute hot pink long sleeved blouse that can be rolled up. I'd wear my pink converse wedges. Make up wise, I'd wear pink lip gloss and pink eyeshadow. Basically pink. There you go," I say leaving him jaw-dropped. I snapped a quick picture and laughed.

"You are a freakin genius!"

"Well, I am training to be a stylist," I laugh, and he gave me a look.

"Any other talents?" I shrugged at his question.

"I wouldn't call them talents, more like hobbies. I love singing, can play the guitar and piano," his eyes widened when I said 'sing'.

"Go on, sing something! We could try a sort of duet?" He begged, and I couldn't say no.

"Alright, have you heard of 'I'll be your strength' by The Wanted? We could try that," I said and he nodded. I decided to video us singing and we discussed on who sang what part.


This is not gonna last forever

It's that time when you must hold on

And I won't let you surrender

And I'll heal you if you're broken


We can stand so tall together

We can make it through the stormy weather

We can go through it all together, do it all together, do it all


I'll be your strength

I will, I will, I will

I'll be your strength

Yes I will, yes I will


I won't sleep till the sky is calmer

Keep on searching till I find you

And my love will be your armour

In this battlefield around you


Hand in hand we will walk together

We can make it through the stormy weather

We can break down walls together, do it all together, do it all


I'll be your strength

I will, I will, I will

I'll be your strength

Yes I will, yes I will


Hold on, hold on

I'll be, there soon

So hold on, hold on,

I'll be, there soon

So hold on, hold on,

I'll be, there soon

So hold on, hold on,

I'll be, there


I'll be your strength

I will, I will be.

I'll be your strength

I'll be, I'll be

I'll be your strength

I'll be, I'll be

I'll be your strength

I'll be, I'll be

I'll be your strength

I'll be strong for you

I'll be your strength

And I'll keep strong for you

I smiled as we watched it over, it was almost flawless. Well, Chris's parts anyway. He, however, begged to differ.

"Wow! You're so amazing!" I blushed as he showered me with compliments. I was not amazing. I knew because... Well that story will come out a little later. Only my parents knew of that story, even Nathan doesn't know.

We ended off with Dave coming in and capturing our almost kiss. We ended up laughing and had to try countless times so it didn't look like we were about to laugh our heads off.

Then Dave and Chris walked me home talking about all sorts of things. It was fun. When they dropped me off at my flat, I invited them in but they declined.

"Listen. If you need help, just give a ring, alright? Fashion emergency, guy troubles, whatever. Alright bye darling!" Chris said and waved, walking off with Dave.

I went and uploaded the pictures, with a letter describing my day.

Hey Natalie!

Sorry I haven't contacted in a while! I wanted to tell you bout this lovely date I had with the one and only Chris Colfer! I know right! The awesome actor of Kurt Hummel from Glee! He brought me to the cutest little bistro. Then he asked me to sing with him! I'm still dying inside. Here's a few pictures and a clip, what do you think of us? Honestly. Don't start with the 'You guys are cute together' speech.

Your buddy Amelia

I sent it to Nathan. Now I just had to lay back and wait.

Troubles Piling On (Sequel to Leaving the Past Behind)Where stories live. Discover now