Chapter 8

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-A week later, day of Amelia's results-

~Nathan's POV~

I woke up to my phone buzzing due to an email I received... From Amelia?

Hey Natalie!

Sorry I haven't contacted in a while! I wanted to tell you bout this lovely date I had with the one and only Chris Colfer! I know right! The awesome actor of Kurt Hummel from Glee! He brought me to the cutest little bistro. Then he asked me to sing with him! I'm still dying inside. Here's a few pictures and a clip, what do you think of us? Honestly. Don't start with the 'You guys are cute together' speech.

Your buddy Amelia

I looked through the pictures and felt a little stung. She must have sent this to the wrong person. But it hurt seeing the smiley pictures of them. That should be me, smiling with her. Me, singing that song with her. Did I mention her sweet voice? Me, kissing her-Wait what? He's kissed her! The picture showed him leaning in, their noses touching, eyes closed.

What do I do? Should I pretend to reply back, or confront her about it?

~Amelia's POV~

Now that the exams were over, I don't have to go to training anymore. The board would send a letter to me. Which I was currently holding in my hand.

Dear Ms. Brown

It is my deepest regret to inform you that you will not be dispatched to London. Your grades were excellent, you were in the top 10%. However, due to a 1% difference, you did not make the cut. Have a good day.

Director of School of Stylists

Mr Steve Campbell

Okay... I didn't get accepted. Which means I'll have to hunt for a job now. But first...

"Hey Amelia! How's my favourite sister coming along? Did you get accepted?"

"Reed, I'm your only sister. And regarding the result... I didn't get in. Someone beat me by a single percent so I'm not. Don't you start the 'You should have been in' rant. I'm not in, it's over. But I'm flying back to London in about five days..."

"Good. Amy and I'll pick you up from the airport. Bye sis!" I hung up. You'd expect me to be all upset and stuff, but I wasn't. Either it hasn't hit me or I was numb. I'm guessing the latter.

I searched online for available jobs and found my old job, looking for someone. Well that was lucky. I decided to call and ask for an interview tomorrow. Now I needed to tell Tom, as I had promised. I thought I'd try a surprise visit.

So I changed into my usual skinny jeans and a pink polo tee and pulled on my usual pink converse and headed out. I grabbed a cab and practically ran to Tom's room, pounding my fists on it.

"What? Wha-Oh hi Amelia," I laughed at his panicked face. He invited me in and asked me what I was doing here. I handed him my letter and he read it.

"I'm sorry, Amelia. But this is great!"

"What? Why?"

"It means you can accept my job offer and come on tour with us!" I thought about it. Why not?

"Fine. I'll call Jayne and ask for an interview tomorrow."

"I'm already ahead of you. Jayne said if you're available, you're hired!"

"That's not fair! What about the other people who want to try out? Some may have better potential than me! Thomas!" I groaned. I only called him Thomas when I was annoyed, which was often. He told me it was fine, he had talked to Jayne a long time ago and she had agreed. So I called Jayne, just to confirm.

"Ah... Amelia? I take it Tom's told you?"

"Yeah... But I have to come in for an interview! What about the other people who want to try? For all you know, someone much better is out there," she chuckled when I said that.

"Oh darling, there are no interviews. Tom has talked to me, and he begged me to save this job for you. He said, and I quote, 'If Amelia does get the London job, then hold the auditions.' So I waited. How was the results, honey?"

"I didn't get in," I sighed.

"Great! Later come to my room and we'll discuss. No arguments," and she just hung up! I looked up at Tom, who was looking innocently back at me.

"Thank you. Jayne told me what you said," I went and hugged him.

"Now I need to go to Jayne's room to discuss stuff. Bye Tom!" I ran out to Jayne's room and knocked. She opened and enveloped me in a hug.

We talked about stuff, the work that was coming. Their tour was for almost a year, starting just after Christmas and ending the year after at the end of November.

Which left me a good month to mentally prepare myself to live with 5 pranking, delusional and insane lads. Wonderful. Jayne told me tomorrow I would have a meeting with the lads.

"So Jayne... What exactly do I call this job?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Oh, you can call it whatever you want. I've been calling it assistant manager, Tom's calling it their personal slave-which is sort of true-so whatever suits you," she replied, and I smiled a little.

"Alright, I better get going. Tomorrow, in your room, at 2pm yeah?" I confirmed.

"Yeap, that's correct. See you then," she opened the door and I stepped out. We exchanged a quick hug. I hoped I wouldn't regret my decision.

Author's Note: Hello again! The story's getting weird from here out... Don't blame or ask me why. My story reflects my mood, and I've been feeling weird lately. Alright, thanks for reading, peace out!


P.S. I have a feeling 'peace out' will be my new sign out term...

Troubles Piling On (Sequel to Leaving the Past Behind)Where stories live. Discover now