001. Just Like Astrid

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Part One / Chapter One

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Part One / Chapter One

The only family young Venus Rosario ever knew were the Tonks.

After Sirius Black's imprisonment for the murders of James and Lily Potter, twelve Muggles and Peter Pettigrew. With no other relatives, alive or free from Azkaban, Venus was now Andromeda and Ted Tonks responsibility. Nymphadora Tonks cared for her new baby sister, like a dandelion, careful enough so that the seeds never blew away. Venus was fragile, but always came back home stained with mud. Nymphadora hiding her dress, that was in the exact same state.

Venus was a miraculously talented little girl. Andromeda watched dead flowers resurrect when Venus came with her Hogwarts letter. The candles blowing out when Venus toppled off the kitchen counter trying to snatch a cauldron cake. Ted nor Nymphadora ever witnessed these affairs, so she concluded it to her age and her powers just adjusting ( even on the account that it was a bit strange. )

The Order of the Phoenix died when Voldemort did. But when Andormeda read of Sirius' Azkaban escape, she kept Venus closer to her than usual. The uneasy silence of Sirius' return for his daughter was unsettling. Behind Ted's back, she contacted Sirius via owl and urged him to come meet his daughter. The small, reserved girl sat playing with Nymphadora when Andromeda read Sirius' letter; that said he did not want to see her.

Andromeda forced it upon him for years, until he gave in the Summer of 1994.

"Vee?" Venus didn't respond to her older cousin, until she was forced to trudge up to her bedroom. Venus was sprawled out on the ground, eyes glued to the ceiling

"So. . . What are we looking at?"

"My eternal suffering, Dee," said Venus, pointing at the trunk on the end of her bed.

Andromeda insisted Venus go spend time with her father this summer, for whatever reason, she believed it would do some good for the both of them. Venus strongly disagreed, he'd been out of Azkaban and he made no effort at looking for her.

"It won't be so bad. . . hopefully," Tonks chuckled. The ambiguity practically radiated from her voice.

Venus sighed in frustration. "You're lying, Dee, I can sense it," She sat up. "I don't know why Auntie is making me go someplace I'm clearly not wanted."

"If Mum says something will do you good, then it probably will. The woman is never wrong," Tonks patted Venus on the back.

This only made Venus even more frustrated, the Gryffindor trait for bravery was slowly seeping out of her, she was petrified to see her father for the first time. Ever.

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