- Entry #9: The White Blade {Part Two of Two} -

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The walk to the White Blade was much simpler than I previously thought. Of course, I knew it was near the market square since that is what Phil said it would be. But earlier, I never saw it and it is pretty obvious where it is.

Also, Chimney isn't like any prince I have seen so far. Brice and Lucilius hold themselves to a degree of respect, that much I can tell. And while all three princes don't care for titles among friends, Chimney seems different.

It is like he doesn't care that he is of royal birth at all. He only ever puts his title out there when the situation calls for it, like what happened with me and that guard at the gate. I can't tell if that is because of the lack of inheritance in his future or that is just his personality. Either way, he is a puzzle that I am finding to be very intriguing to solve...if it can be solved that is. After all, people aren't all that simple, they are very complicated beings.

Either way, I want to get to know Chimney...

And I can't tell this desire of mine is because I apparently seem to have some affinity with human princes or something else is at work here. And I frankly don't care if either of those are true or both of them are.

My eyes flickered up to the hanging wooden sign that had the name 'The White Blade' on it with a wooden sword behind the words. Before we went in, Chimney stopped me. I looked at him, confused.

"So, you haven't told me what we need here?" he asked me.

My expression softens. "Oh...that would be helpful I suppose..." I said.

He smiled a bit at me and nods. He crosses his arms. "So, what exactly do we need from this shop?" he asked me.

"We need to talk to Lisanna, Phil told me that she would be able to get what we need to...find Lady Ianite," I whispered the words at the end since we are out in public and I don't want people to hear what we are up too. Something tells me that would be very bad.

Chimney rises an eyebrow up at me. "Well that wasn't what I was expecting to hear. I was expecting something completely benign...not world-changing," he said.

It is turning night, so there aren't a lot of people around and also, the shop is closed. Hopefully, the door is unlocked. I go up to it, turning the knob and pushing. The door opens, a bell chiming as I opened the door.

"We're closed," a voice spoke.

"Sorry, but we need to talk to Lisanna. It's important. Is she here?" I asked the man behind the counter.

The man stared at me but seemed to look past me. "Prince Chimney Swift?" he asked me making me confused. Swift? His last name is Myllet.

Chimney nods. "Yeah, we need to talk to her now," he said stepping towards the man.

"Wait here," he said before he disappeared to the back.

I looked at Chimney. "Swift?" I questioned.

"It's a nickname," he said before looking at me. "Got it because of how quick I am on my feet."

I nod a bit. That sort of reminds me of how I'm known as the Archmage of Solace back home. I look around the shop, so this seems to be various goods, armor, and weapons shop. I smile a bit seeing Phil's name on a sign and some items. I walk over to it, Chimney following me.

"I didn't know Master Phil allowed for humans to sell his inventions," he said looking at them.

I shrug my shoulders. "He gives them things that humans can uses while the mage-only inventions are only sold by him or by other mages," I said. Compared to everything else, Phil's inventions seem to be quite popular. There aren't a lot of them here and the baskets they are in seem empty almost. I smile a bit.

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