- Entry #3: The First Memory -

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— Entry #3: May 24th - Tuesday —

So, James comes back today. And I'll get to meet him for the first time. Tom said he'll be here in a couple of minutes or so. So I'll have to wait until he comes to figure out what the heck is going on.

Being accused of angering some god you don't know in a world you don't know when you have next to no clue who you are is ridiculous. But I can see how people are suspicious of me. There are a lot of coincidences here that would suggest that I had something to do with this. I hope not. I really hope not.

I'm not looking forward to learning what I did if it turns out that I in fact had something to do with Mianite's anger.

Vienna has three gods; Mianite, Dianite, and Ianite.

I looked into them last night because I was curious as to what people were so afraid of and I think they have a good reason.

Dianite is the god of the Nether. Now, the Nether does sound familiar to me. The name of it sounds familiar but the name Dianite rings no bells.

Mianite, the god of the Overworld. The Overworld is just another name for the surface as some would call it. The world that humans and wizards live on.

Ianite, she's the goddess of the End. Again, the name of the End is familiar, but not the goddess. It seems the names of the worlds are ones that I knew before but I have no clue as to who the people are.

But update to the list:
- My name is Seto (Think it is at least)
- I'm at the magic level of an Elite Master Wizard
- I'm around 21 or 22 (Don't quote on that)
- I have a type of military background
- I have the markings of some type of War Hero and/or someone very important
- I may not be from Vienna, but from a different world in general
- My magic type is unknown in Vienna
- The Nether and the End Realm are names that are familiar to me
- I may or may not have angered some god
- I don't know the gods of Vienna (Realm of Mianite)

Longer list but still short...I wish I could learn more at a faster rate but...things just don't go well for me...

On a completely different note, one of the books that Matt brought me had chapters about the Fyre Brothers in it. It talked about their magic and how it is different than anything that has been seen before.

They can create anything they want out of thin air and they can fly without depending on mana, which is why I think they are such gifted builders. I have heard of their magic type before since Tom told me about it a bit. Athar magic, magic that is unlike anything people have see before and only those four have it. That's why people think that creating things out of thin air and flying without mana, they think it is the athar magic since those abilities are so unheard of. But there is a catch, they are easily susceptible to corruption. And if they do get corrupted, it would be a catastrophe. That type of power seems really cool but of course, it comes with a heavy price if you were to abuse it. As well as creating things and flying, their magic grew much stronger. James apparently grew the strongest since he got the lion's share of the power. But because of that lion's share, the magic messed with his mind and his heart. That wasn't mentioned in the book but that's what Tom told me when I asked him about it earlier.

It was a heavy price but they only did it because at the time, Matthew was dying and they had to save him. So James took the price and it changed his personality but they save Matt. The only problem is that Matt does depend on his magic to be able to even function. But he is a very powerful fire wizard, one of the strongest. Phil is one of the strongest Elemental Earth Wizards, Tom said he uses electricity magic and James...well I actually don't know because no one has told me. But I have heard that his magic type is the strongest of the four.

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