Chapter 21 - Cinema

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"Please tell me you're going to stay like that so I can just look at you?" Sam said following behind Effie in the hall.

The guys had just performed their mash-up for the competition and so did the girls. They were all in their outfits with their hair and makeup done to match the song.

Effie rolled her eyes at him continuing her walk down the hall. "I'm pretty sure Kitty would love it if you said that to her since you love surprising me."

"Hey," He said running in front of her and stopping her. "I told you I was sorry. If I knew you were going to take it this seriously I wouldn't of done it."

"You're right," She said shaking her head and sighing. "I'm sorry, I'm just so paranoid that Kitty is going to get me kicked off the Cheerios and she won't do it without a bang."

"It's okay," He said nodding. "But you need to come out, everyone has been planning this movie night for ages."

"I promise." She said giving him a kiss. "Let me get changed."

"Maybe don't?" He said stopping her from leaving. "Please?"

"You wish." She said laughing. "Let me get out the dress but I'll keep the hair and makeup."

"Hmm," He said smiling. "Deal."

Effie ran off and into the girls toilets to get changed along with the other girls. Sam and the other guys also got changed across the hall in the boys bathroom, still trying to decide what movie to watch.

"The Conjuring?" Artie asked.

"No," Jake said shaking his head. "We need to see something Marley would watch."

Ryder tried not to say anything as Jake looked at himself in the mirror along with most of the other guys, including Joe who said. "I don't want anything with too much guts and blood. I want something more, I don't know, gentle?"

"Yeah, me aswell." Blaine said nodding. "How about a musical?"

"Typical Blaine." Sam said laughing. "I'm down for whatever and I'm sure Effie is as well."

Across the hall Effie and the other girls were taking their costumes off and also discussing the movies. "I'm not seeing a horror." Marley said shaking her head at the thought.

"Yeah," Sugar said agreeing. "They're so boring."

"What about a romance?" Kitty asked.

"No thanks," Brittany said. "I can't watch a romance without Lord Tubbington, he gets jealous."

"Hunger Games?" Tina asked making Effie turn from the mirror and say. "I've seen it about 7 times, and that's only legally in the cinemas."

"What about a Comedy?" Unique asked doing her mascara in the mirror. "I mean, everyone loves a good comedy."

"As long as Adam Sandler isn't in it," Kitty started taking her necklace off. "I'm in."

"Good." Tina said smiling. "I'll go tell Blaine."

"Of course you will." Kitty mumbled rolling her eyes as Tina ran out the toilets.

"Can you get my dress out the toilet for me Brit?" Effie asked Brit.

"Sure, give me a minute." Brit said getting distracted by the mirror, wondering how it worked.

Kitty watched as everyone was busy in conversation, Effie was talking to all the girls about some new mascara and Brit was exploring the mirror. She glanced over to the dress that was hanging on the back of the toilet door.

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