Chapter 27 - The Nights

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I decided to make a chapter of my own and not have the actual episode relate to it, just to see what would happen. It's definitely not as good as usual but it's nice to try something without as many boundaries.


"What's up?" Effie asked Kitty as they walked down the hall, linked arms.

"Nothing," Kitty said sighing. "It's just..." She looked around. "Frankinteen rejected me for an online fantasy."

"Who? Katie?" Effie asked, stopping in the middle of the hall.

"Yeah," She said shaking her head. "I finally opened up to him and he went an done that." Kitty held back the tears. "God, I'm such an idiot."

"Sweety." She said hugging her. "Boys are worthless, useless and only good for making girls look smarter."

"Preach that." Kitty said laughing.

"But I know how hard it is for you to open up to someone." She said shaking her head. "God, I even defended Ryder, I'm pretty sure I insulted Sam and Artie for him."

"It doesn't matter." Kitty said sighing, beginning to walk again. "I just feel so stupid, I thought he was actually different."

"I'm proud of you opening up to someone ever since you and Puck broke up." Effie said smiling at her.

"Ugh," Kitty said sighing. "I love you, you're such a sappy bitch."

"You wouldn't have it any other way." She said laughing. "But I love you too."


"You couldn't have made that anymore awkward." Effie said to Ryder as they left the auditorium after performing their last unplugged song.

"Made what anymore awkward?" Ryder asked, clearly confused.

"You and Kitty." She said making him sigh. "Look, you should of gave her a chance, you know how bad she is with actually opening up with people and whatever you done seemed to have worked."

Ryder sighed, eventually giving in with a nod and turning to her. "Thank you for making the guys apologise, I've already said thanks to Marley and Tina but they said you were the main cause of getting them to their senses."

"No problem." She said smiling. "It really wasn't cool what they did." She took a deep breath. "Look, if you ever want to talk about stuff you know I'm here."

"Yeah," He said nodding. "You too."

"Come here." She said giving him a hug, standing on the tip of her toes since he was so tall compared to her, she quickly came out of the hug. "So are you guys coming around to mines tomorrow, since you know, it's my birthday on monday?"

"Yeah," He said nodding. "Most of the Glee club are coming, I don't know about Sugar or Joe but I know everyone else is."

"Well I will see you then." She said winking and walking backwards to the exit.


Effie took a deep breath before straightening her playsuit that she was wearing. (In the pic) It was the day of her party and no one was answering their phones, not even Sam. She was on the verge of having a complete meltdown from stress of planning it.

In about half an hour everyone was going to be at her house, her mum and dad left to go see Quinn for the weekend for her parent visiting days but mostly because Effie wanted the house to herself for the party.

After about a 10 minute stare in the mirror the doorbell went off, knocking Effie out her completely daze of anxiousness and worrying. She quickly ran downstairs, grabbing her heels and phone, slipping into them and throwing the door open to see Sam.

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