Chapter 32 - Prom

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"God!" Effie shouted as they drove back from the concert. "That was amazing!"

"Oh my God, I know!" Bree shouted back. "I'm so glad you came."

"I'm so glad I came too, Bree." Effie said smiling as Bree turned the wheel.

"Are you okay?" Bree asked suddenly, after a moment of silence. "I mean, I heard about you and Tina."

"Ugh," Effie said putting her phone down and rolling her eyes. "Don't even get me started."

"Whoa," She said laughing. "Someone's a little pissed off."

"Do you blame me?" Effie asked crossing her arms and slouching in the chair. "She steals my boyfriend from prom and is now insisting that they go on a date before it? No wonder."

"Maybe some revenge could be done." Bree said with an evil grin.

"Like what?" Effie asked not looking at Bree, too busy getting confetti from the concert out her bra.

"She used to have an ex right? One she was completely in love with." Bree said with her smug smile. "Mark or something?"

"Who Mike?" Effie asked turning to her. "Are you saying I ask Mike to Prom with me?"

"Yeah, wouldn't you love to see her face drop like yours did?" Bree asked, realising what she said, looking at Effie.

"How did you know my face dropped?" Effie asked, suspicious.

"Kitty told me," Bree said not looking at her. "but, that doesn't matter, are you in?"

Effie looked at Bree who extended her pinky, but wouldn't take her eyes off the road. Effie took a deep breath, nodding and taking her pinky, what's the worst that could happen?


"So how does it work with gay marriage," Sam said lying on the piano as Blaine played it in the choir room. "You take his last name or does he take yours, or?"

"Right now, I'm honestly just excited that Kurt said yes." Blaine said, overwhelmed and feeling grateful. "Hey, are you looking forward to prom? I fell asleep last night while Tina was texting me about her prom dress." Sam let out a deep breath. "It's really nice that you're going with her, by the way."

"Yeah, I guess so." Sam said sitting up. "I don't know, it's just you know, it's my senior prom, so I kind of wish I was going with somebody I really care about, other words Effie."

"Yeah," Blaine said nodding. "Are you guys cool?"

"I don't know," He said sighing. "It wasn't cool what I did, I don't blame her for being mad but I can't say no to Tina."

"Come on, guys, we're back with the Beatles! We're leaving the mop-tops behind and moving into their experimental years." Mr Schue said walking into the room with his over the shoulder bag and coffee, waiting for everyone to be seated. "Now, the Rubber Soul album marked a turning point for the group, where they literally and figuratively let their hair down. Now, the Beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. They could have remained in their comfort zones, but instead, they risked everything to explore new musical worlds. They had something important to say, and they weren't going to let something as silly as the fear of failure get in their way."

"Good afternoon, McKinley High." Sue said interrupting all the classes with the tanoy. "This year, the proms are being fused into one giant Brundleprom."

"What's a Brundleprom?" Marley asked, confused.

"I don't get that reference." Jake mumbled.

"That's from The Fly." Ryder said having a realisation.

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