Chapter 13 - Drops of Jupiter

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"All right, do you realize, standing before you are legends?" Finn said making everyone cheer and clap but mines was cut short as I made eye contact with Quinn, I couldn't stand being in the same room as her at the moment. "Any single one of these guys could be President of the United States one day."

Most of the old glee club were back for thanksgiving, I've never seen Finn so happy. I told him about the fight between me and Quinn when he asked about pairing us up, I didn't tell him what it was about though.

Santana, Puck, Quinn, Mercedes, Mike and Finn stood in front of us. What an amazing alumni for a Ohio glee club.

"I don't know about that." Artie said through a gritted smile.

"And lucky for us, they've agreed to help us hang with the new chumps and see if some of our sheer awesomeness doesn't rub off on you." Puck said brushing his shoulder. "It will."

"When you hear your name, pair up." Finn said looking down at his clipboard. "Puck, you're with your brother. Mike, you're with Ryder. Marley, you're with Santana. Effie, you're with me. Kitty, you're with Quinn." I watched as Kitty ran up to Quinn and gave her a hug making me want out of this room even more. "Wade, Mercedes."

"Sashay." Mercedes said gesturing her to come towards her making Unique reply with. "Enchanté."

"I knew it." Brittany mumbled to me and Sam. "Mercedes was cloned."

"Now, your mentors are here to help you with whatever you need:" Finn stated looking at us 'new chumps'. "Singing, dancing-"

"Birth control." Quinn chimed in making Kitty over react with laughter like she first did when she found out I was her sister.

"You're so funny and self-deprecating!" Kitty said making me roll my eyes. "We're so much alike!"

"Wanky." Santana said making me laugh.

"The worst mistake that we can make is to underestimate our competition." Finn stated. "The Warblers are ruthless this year."

"Don't forget about the Rosedale Mennonites." Artie chipped in making us laugh. "Any show choir that can raise a barn in five minutes deserves mad respect."

"Marley and Blaine will handle our duet," Finn said nodding. "And for the showstopper we're doing Gangnam Style."

Gangnam style? I gasped, there is no way we can learn Korean within a week and the dance moves that go with it. It might be easy dance moves, but it will be hard to learn the music.

"Okay, lumps, let me just say out loud what everyone here is thinking: You finally got an okay haircut, you're not doing that annoying half smirk as much as you used to, but you're still a idiot." Santana said nonchalantly. "No one in this room can tackle a massive dance number except for Brit. That includes your little "Hand-Jive" that, to me, looked more like a hand-"

"Is there any way Mr. Shue can come back for this?" Joe asked.

"Listen to me, we have never lost sectionals before, and there's no way we're gonna do it under my watch." Finn said standing up. "We can and we will succeed! We need an ambitious number with a strong dance element. That's the Warbler's calling card, and we need to blow them out of the water. And Mike said he could easily show one of our guys how to do the dance number."

"I did?" Mike asked clearly not knowing about this.

"Crap. I, uh, I kind of forgot to ask you about that." Finn said shaking his head. "But one of our guys is gonna have to take the lead with Brit. So who's it gonna be?"

"Hello?" Sam said standing up making me cover my face from embarrassment knowing what he was going to do next. "White Chocolate."

"Oh, no, no, no." Mercedes said watching Sam do a dance making Brit clap along.

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