Chapter 34 - Do What U Want

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Ryder banged the drums, hard, really getting passionate when he got into it as Kitty scrolled through her phone, taking the occasional selfie as Unique and Tina danced around to the beat he played.

Sam was rolling the glockenspiel from side to side, God knows why. Jake came in with Effie riding on the back of his scooter only to be grabbed off it by Sam who yanked her over to the glockenspiel so she could play him a song.

Jake scooted into Marley, dropping the scooter and kissing her but only to have Marley back away a bit, not wanting to be so public with the kissing. Effie played along with Ryder's beat on the glock whilst Sam danced with Tina and Unique around the piano that Blaine was playing.

"All right, big week, guys." Mr Schue said shouting, walking in the room and putting his bag on the piano as everyone stopped. "Come on. Gather round."

"I have here in my hand, Drum-roll, please," Mr Schue asked once everyone gathered around, making people slap random objects over and over again for Kitty it was unfortunately Artie's head. "a secret list of the show choirs that we will be in competition with at Nationals in six weeks."

"Ooh, yes." Unique shouted as they all cheered in excitement.

"Okay, let's see what we've got." Mr Schue said quickly skimming through the paper before finishing. "We got the Rust-Belters from Pittsburgh, the Thunder Showcats from Gainesville," There was a quick exchange between the group, they knew that they could easily beat them, no bother at all. "and finally, from Fort Wayne, Throat Explosion."

As soon as Mr Schue said that Tina let out a blood curdling scream making most people back away from her, did she finally have the realisation that she was a hag? Most of the Glee club was shock yet Artie just laughed.

"No! Why, God?!" Tina screamed, clearly upset, letting out a huge groan making Artie laugh.

"Uh, what?" Jake said, although he wasn't that bothered he just wanted Tina to shut up. "Throat Explosion? That's a joke, right?"

"Anything but." Blaine said resting his head on his hand, knowing they were going to be impossible to beat. "They're the new super group the Show Choir Underground's been buzzing about. Their budgets for costume, makeup, hair alone are astronomical." Tina nodded along with Blaine as Kitty scrolled through her Twitter feed. "You guys have read that Malcolm Gladwell book. Outliers, Right?" Kitty took a selfie as he said that, clearly not interested in it.

"So, Gladwell says you can't possibly master anything unless you've spent 10,000 hours practicing it." Blaine continued. "So students can't even join Throat Explosion without proving they've logged in 10,000 hours of show choir rehearsal."

"Kitty, stop tweeting about me." Effie said checking her phone after it went off but Effie just cackled as she continued to type. "Fuck you." Effie whispered to her with a smile.

"They don't even go to class. They just perform, every minute of every day. They live their art. They know no boundaries." Blaine said ignoring Kitty and Effie's interruption. "They're constantly pushing the envelope, living and performing on the edge. They're like mini Lady Gagas."

"We're so screwed, they're not like Vocal Adrenaline, who were unfeeling Borg robots. They're total outsiders and misfits, which used to be our niche." Tina said continuing Blaine's point. "We can't compete with Throat Explosion any more at that level because we lost our biggest Gaga when Kurt graduated last year. Look around, we're a room full of, like, Katy Perrys now."

"Oh, you best check your spectrum, Queen T," Unique said wanting to correct Tina, no way in hell was she going to her be put down as a Katy. "because orange is the new black, and Unique is the new Gaga."

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