Chapter 33 - Confident

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This was originally the Quarterback episode where they unfortunately had to kill off Finn, but I've decided to keep Finn in my book, I feel like it would be wrong if I killed him off, I just can't. I want to at least keep him alive in this book so the memory will live on. So I've made up this chapter for you guys like Effie's party, enjoy!


"What the fuck Bree?" Effie said stomping up to Michael and Bree at Bree's locker.

"What do you want, short ass?" Bree asked rolling her eyes as she turned around to face her.

"Throwing a slushie at me?" Effie shouted angrily. "Is that the best you can do? You complete coward." She laughed. "The best part was that it wasn't even you that did it! You had to get this gimp to do it for you."

"Who you calling a gimp?" Michael said stepping forward.

"Can it, square head," She said ignoring him, not even looking at him. "Bree this isn't middle school anymore-"

"You're right," Bree said stepping closer to Effie. "This is high school, where everything is unfair, including the fighting and bitching. High school is one of the many ways they get you ready for the real world."

"Oh, grow up Bree," Effie said rolling her eyes.

"Hey, you better watch it! You're talking to the new head cheerleader." Bree said with a smirk.

"What did you just say?" Effie asked, shocked.

"You heard me." She took a deep breath. "Just to think, if you didn't have such a connection with those Glee kids you would still be head cheerleader."

"What?" She asked, confused.

"Oh, Sue didn't tell you?" Bree said folding her arms and laughing as Effie unfolded hers, feeling a little more intimidated. "Oh God, maybe you should start playing for the right team, and I'm not talking about that scrawny boyfriend of yours."

"Well...At least I have a boyfriend," Effie said, struggling for a comeback since she just received the news about being knocked down from head cheerleader.

"Oh, I do." Bree said with a smug smile, unfolding her arms and placing them on Michael's chest. "Isn't that right, baby?"

"Yeah," He said smiling and giving her a kiss, making Effie turn around, wanting to be sick at the sight.


"Alright," Mr Schue said walking into the choir room, clapping his hands and smiling. "I have a little surprise in store for you today, but first I want to congratulate Tina on not only winning prom queen but completely taking back the crown and regaining all your confidence after what happened, you are a real inspiration Tina."

"Thank you Mr Schue." Tina said smiling and nodding, looking around the room at everyone. "Can I just say it wouldn't have been possible without the support from you guys." Unique reached out and squeezed her hand. "Thank you so much, it means a lot."

"I'm sure I'm speaking on the behalf of everyone when we say you're part of this family and we will always support and help you through no matter what," He said smiling and moving to the piano to lean on. "now, the surprise." He said making everyone clap and cheer curious to know. "Come in!"

As soon as Mr Schue said that, the door opened, a beam of light blocked by the tall, awkward guy walking in. It was Finn! He walked in with that half-smile earning a round of applause as Tina, Blaine, Sam and Effie ran up to him for a hug.

"Woah," He said at the roar of applause. "Hey guys, I missed you."

"We missed you bud," Sam said hugging him.

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