Chapter 14

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Ryland's POV

Yes! Sophie was finally here! Now my day can get started. I mean, I was having fun before but now I was in a really good mood and, according to Riker, it showed.

"Well someone's mister happy-go-lucky." He winked at me.

"Yeah, yeah, make fun of me all you want." I smiled, not really caring what he said. I was just happy to have "Rylie" back together.

"Let's go on this ride!" Ross exclaimed, Emily now off his back and holding his hand.

"I agree!" Rydel said. They were both looking at the one ride that we always got soaked on. It was in our "California Adventure" R5 TV.

"Oh boy." I mumbled to myself.

Since there was only seven seats in the ride, we decided to split up. There were nine of us so we split up in five and four. The first one was Sophie, Rocky, Kaitlyn, and I. The second one was Rydel, Riker, Ratliff, Ross, and Emily.

Obviously, I sat next to Sophie and on the other side Rocky and Kaitlyn sat down.

"Here we go guys! I'm so excited!" Rocky said, smiling and looking at Kaitlyn.

"Time to get soaked!" Kaitlyn replied.

"Oh, I never introduced you guys!" I said, talking to Sophie and Kaitlyn. "Sophie, this is Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn, this is Sophie." I said formally.

"Nice to meet you!" Sophie smiled that brilliant smile of hers.

"You too! Aren't you two dating?" Kaitlyn asked us, a playful smirk on her face.

"Oh, yeah." Sophie said, blushing and looking at the ground.

"We are." I smiled and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me and gave me a hopeful smile.

"Awwwww!" Rocky said and the boat couldn't have started soon enough.

Ross's POV

I was glad that we were able to split up into the groups we did. Rydel and Sophie weren't able to sit by each other but it gave Emily and Rydel a chance to bond. Also, Sophie and Kaitlyn could meet each other formally.

"We need to scream the loudest." Ratliff said.

"Definitely! If only we could scream louder than Ryland." Riker said, first with a serious look and then we all started laughing.

I hadn't let go of Emily's hand all day and I wasn't planning on it now. Her hand was so soft and warm.

"So, Emily, how are you liking California so far?" Rydel asked her, a big smile on her face. It wasn't quite our turn to go down the water so it as Rydel's chance to actually talk to Emily.

"Its incredible! I love it all." She smiled. Then, we were off.

"Here we go!" Rydel exclaimed.

"That was awesome!!" Riker screamed at the camera. Our mom was waiting for us after the ride with the camera filming us.

"Let's do it again!" I said, joking.

"No!" They all screamed in unison and then laughed. Once was definitely enough.

Ryland and Sophie were looking happier than ever and that made the rest of us happy. It was nice for Ryland to finally have someone to really hang out with. Of course, we all were really close but now he had someone all to himself and that was great for him.

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