Chapter 5

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Rocky's POV

I can't believe those fans were that crazy! I mean, I understand that they were huge fans of Ross but ganging up on an innocent fan is not ok. Any friend of Kaitlyn's is a friend of mine. That may be escalating a little fast but have you seen Kaitlyn?! She's perfect.

I decided that I should stay with her, just in case someone tried to gang up on her that time since they knew that we knew them.

Ross totally copied me and wanted to stay with Emily as well but I couldn't blame him. Emily was the person who was being attacked and I probably would've suggested it anyway. I can't protect everyone.

"I think that's my dad driving over here." Kaitlyn said to me and I died a little inside. Did she have to leave now?

I held her a bit tighter to my chest just to enjoy the moment more.

"Rocky, I need to go eventually." Kaitlyn silently laughed.

"I know but it doesn't mean I can enjoy the moment less." I said.

"Promise me you'll contact me." I heard Ross say to Emily. He needed to stop being so worried about everything.

"I promise Ross." She smiled and he turned her around to give her a better hug.

"Kaitlyn!" I heard Kaitlyn's dad call her from across the street.

"Coming!" She said.

I gave her one more tight hug and kissed the top of her head. Now I was worried she wouldn't keep contact with me. I was positive that she would but I was still a bit worried.

"Bye Rocky." She whispered and started to walk towards the car.

"Bye Emily. I'll talk to you soon." Ross said and still had his arms tightly wrapped around Emily in a strong grasp and kissed the top of her head softly.

"Bye Ross. I'll call you tonight. I promise." She said and gave him one more tight squeeze before following Kaitlyn to the car.

"Don't worry bro, she'll call you. She promised after all." I said to Ross, putting my arm around his shoulder.

"Let's just hope so." He responded and we waved goodbye before walking back inside.

"Finally!" We heard our dad said.

"Sorry dad, Kaitlyn's dad was a bit late." I apologized.

"Its alright. As long as your here now." He said and we made our way to the dressing room.

I still can't believe that I met the girl of my dreams. She came to this concert hoping just to meet us and left with being able to be with me. Wait! I never officially asked her out!

"Rocky, what's wrong?" Ross asked me. Was my expression that obvious?

"I was just thinking that we never really officially asked them out." I said and Ross's eyes got really big.

"Oh great, now she's not going to think I'm serious." Ross said.

"Dude, calm down. You'll be fine." I reassured him. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned this.

Emily's POV

Once Kaitlyn's dad arrived, Kaitlyn and I said our last goodbyes and walked over to the car.

"So, who are those boys?" Kaitlyn's dad asked us.

"Just some o the guys from R5." Kaitlyn said, trying to sound casual but I could tell that she was still freaking out over what just happened.

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