Chapter 32

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Riker's POV

We're here. At the airport.

I have to admit, I was pretty upset that Kaitlyn and Emily were leaving. I mean, I'm so use to protecting Emily and having fun with Kaitlyn that it was going to be weird seeing them go.

I know they've only been here for a little while but its still sad to see them leave so quickly.

We helped them get their stuff from the back of the bus and into the building.

When we entered the airport, it wasn't too busy. I mean, usually this one in particular is very crowded around this time but now it wasn't, which was nice I guess since now we weren't rushed into saying goodbye.

(A/N: for the record, I've never been on a plane before unless being 2 and cant remember anything counts, so if I say something that doesn't really happen at an airport, just let it go)

Since it was only ten and their plane didn't leave for another hour, we decided to just sit back and relax for a little bit.

Ross was holding Emily's hand very tightly, showing no signs of ever letting go, and Rocky has his arm around Kaitlyn's shoulder and also had no indication of letting go. We could all agree that this was going to be the hardest for them.

"You both have all of your stuff ready, right? Your bags, your electronics in a place where you can just take them out when going through the metal detector, everything else?" Our mom asked Kaitlyn and Emily.

"Yeah, we have everything." Emily said, looking very disappointed.

"Yeah, we're ready." Kaitlyn said, her eyes misty with small tears.

After about thirty minutes of just sitting there, enjoying their company, it was time for Kaitlyn and Emily to depart.

It was 10:45 and they needed to get on the plane before it was too late.

Rocky's POV

When it was 10:45, it was time for Kaitlyn and Emily to depart.

We both stood up and I wrapped her in my arms.

"Don't forget to call me or answer me when I call. Also, I'll be sending you lots of pictures of our own little trips, and make sure you visit and-" Kaitlyn cut off my rambling with a kiss. This didn't help the goodbye but it was so sweet that I gave in.

"I'm going to miss you so much Rocky." She said, small tears starting to fall down her face.

"Oh, don't start crying, then you'll make me cry." I gave a small laugh and held her close to my chest, tears starting to form in my eyes. "Here, I wrote you a note. For the plane." I smiled at her.

I wrote this:

Dear Kaitlyn,

After everything I've been through on tours, this certainly was the best one yet. I remember when I first saw you walk up to me at the meet and greet. You looked so beautiful that I had to know who you were, and I've so glad I did. You've made this trip the best one ever. Every night, I couldn't stop thinking about you and I still can't. Its like you have a permanent sketch in my brain that whenever I close my eyes, there you are, smiling back at me. Speaking of your smile, its incredible. You can light up a room just by being yourself and that's what I love about you.

I'm going to miss you so much you have no idea. I know that at the airport its going to be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do but I know you need to get back home. Thank you for everything. I love you.

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