Chapter 6

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Riker's POV

After the van was all packed up, we headed over to the sweet hotel we were staying at. As we were driving over there, Ross got a text from Emily just so he could have her number and I swear, his face lit up more than his screen.

He looked kind of disappointed when she said that she would call him later but he was still happy because he now had her number.

Once we got to the hotel, Rocky got a call from Kaitlyn which wasn't great timing since we needed to check in and have our phones off. We had to convince our dad to let us go swimming before we go to bed since it was already kind of late so we needed to get down there as soon as possible. Rocky having his phone out didn't help with the quickness of it.

When he saw the glare from my dad, he quickly told Kaitlyn that he had to go. Just like his big brother, Ross also had his phone out, talking to Emily, but he called her instead of the other way around.

"Ross, put your phone away we're going up to the room now." My dad told him.

"Ok." He said and told Emily he had to go but he'd call her later. Highly unlikely since we had to go to bed right after we swam but he can wish all he wants.

"My gosh, those girls really put an impression on you two." I said to them and Ross blushed slightly.

"What can I say? We're meant to be." Rocky said with a small smile on his face.

"What about you Ross? What's your reason?" I asked him, trying to be annoying.

After a long silence of him probably trying to think of the right answer he said, "She's perfect."

Rydel over heard and broke out in loud "Awwwwww"'s.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Ross said, looking down.

It was actually really sweet of him. Both of them for that matter. I have to admit, it did get kind of annoying from them constantly trying to talk to them but as long as they were happy, we were happy. Besides, them happy was a lot better than them moping around because they didn't get a shot.

After the swim, Ross and Rocky went straight for their phones. Luckily, they only texted the girls instead of calling them.

"They just can't get enough." Rydel joked and we both laughed.

"Haha, tell me about it. I think they're rubbing off on Ryland too." I said to her and pointed in Ryland's direction.

Him and Sophie were about twenty feet behind us and Sophie was laughing at something Ryland had just said.

"He asked her out." Rydel said plainly.

"Really?! How?!" I questioned, immediately curious.

"I mean, he didn't say it was a date, but it totally is. He asked her if she wanted to go get some lunch with her tomorrow somewhere in Chicago. Sophie doesn't think he likes her but he couldn't be more obvious." Rydel said.

"Wow, good for him." I said. Ryland isn't usually the one getting the girls so this came as a shock to me.

At the moment, there were too many romances and I wasn't sure how I was going to keep up.

Kaitlyn's POV

After about two hours, Rocky texted me again. I was shocked because I didn't expect that to happen but it definitely made my night.

From: Rocky

Hey Kaitlyn! I woudl've texted you earlier but Riker insisted that he would beat me in a flip contest off the diving board and I had to prove him wrong ;) so anyway, how's it going?

To: Rocky

Hey Rocky! Did you beat him?! You better of if that was the reason you didn't text earlier...haha, im totally kidding, its going pretty well, what about you?

From: Rocky

Its going great and uh..well..YES! He definitely had it coming..haha,I actually have to go since its already lights out..I wish I could talk to you more, i really love talking to you, you just have that way about you that makes me feel like I can be myself around you, you know? anyway, goodnight beautiful! :)

To: Rocky

That's ok! Thank you so much, I really love talking to you too <3 have a great sleep! goodnight :)

ROCKY JUST CALLED ME BEAUTIFUL! Let's just get this straight:

1) He wanted to text me earlier than what he did even when I wasn't expecting him to text me at all.

2) He loves talking to me.


3) He called me beautiful.

Rocky Mark Lynch said all of these things to me. My life, as of right now, was complete.

Emily's POV

After I got home and was already in bed, I got a text from Ross. He did say he'd talk to me later but I thought he was just saying that because that's what you usually say at the end of a conversation. This was actually really sweet that he wanted to talk to me.

From: Ross

Hey Emily! How are you? I just got back from swimming and I had to make sure I'd text you since I said I would. Besides, I like talking to you, you're personality is just overwhelming, in a good way..if that doesn't sound too weird..

To: Ross

Hey Ross! I'm great! No, that doesn't sound weird, it sounds like the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me <3 I really like talking to you too and I was shocked when you actually texted me, i thought you were just being kind earlier

From: Ross

Oh, did you not want me to text you? If I'm being too forward, I can stop

To: Ross

Oh, no! I didn't mean it that way. I was just surprised, like, in a good way(:

From: Ross

Oh, ok good :) My dad's saying lights out so I need to go, but i promise ill talk to you tomorrow, hopefully i'll actually be able to hear your voice ;)

To: Ross

Ok, goodnight!(:

From: Ross

Goodnight Emily, I miss you already <3

ROSS MISSES ME! He loves talking to me and he misses me, with a heart! This was the greatest day of my life.

Rocky's POV

Oh no, what if calling her beautiful was too forward? I really hope not. I mean, she said thanks but maybe she was just being nice. Great.

"Your personality is overwhelming? In a good way? What was I thinking?!" I heard Ross talking to himself after he stopped talking to Emily.

"Real smooth there Ross." I responded to him.

"I mean honestly, who says that?!" He said.

"Clearly, you." I joked with him.

"Whatever. Goodnight." he said plainly and went to bed.

Oh, Ross, I thought to myself and the lights went out.


Author's Note: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading! I'm already almost to 200 reads! That's incredible! Remembering to keep commenting or tweeting me @teamR5_xo it means the world to me when you tell me what you like/dislike about it <3 Does anyone else ship #Rossily and #Rocklyn? Let me know! ;) Thanks again for reading!!!

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