Chapter 6; Don't break me.

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Sweet Addiction

Chapter 6; Don't break me.

"So class, you will be pairing up with someone for this project. Pick whoever you want and by tomorrow, i want you to hand in the names of the groups." Mr. Gregs says, our Chemistry teacher.

"So for the next fifteen minutes left for the lesson to end, pick your partners. Choose wisely. Now Chap Chap!!" He claps his hands motioning for us to start looking for partners.

We are now in Chemistry, which sadly for me, none of my friends are in this class except Kyle. I dont want to go disturb him by asking to be partners because i dont want to look like a clingy friend which I'm not.

I haven't spoke to Kyle since this morning when he drove me to school. Last night, he let me sleep in his room as he took the couch. I offered for him to lie with me but he hit me back with my 'friends' excuse so i let him be.

This morning he woke me up and fed me breakfast like literally fed me with his hands. He gave me some of his clothes, a big black shirt with his signature cologne and some jeans from Abuela's room that  belonged to his daughter who was about my size. Kyle told me Abuela and her went for a week's vacation and will be back tomorrow.

These small things he does for me bring him closer to my heart slowly and slowly and he doesn't even know or realise it.

When we arrived at school, to say people were staring at me would be an understatement. People were literally gawking at us, many girls throwing envious looks. Kyle decided to make the situation even more funny by putting his arm around my shoulder. When i was about to pull it off, he whispered in my ear, "Friends do this, right?" And i had no choice but to let it be, you cohld actually hear the gasps coming from the students.

I stay in my seat as i wait for all the students to pick their partners and i partner up with the last one. Many girls shoot up to go to Kyle's desk to ask him but he shuts them up with his deathly scowl that has them fleeing from his desk with flips of their hair.

Just because they saw Kyle act friendly with me doesnt mean they can act like they have been friends for a while. Friendship is earned and you look for it.

"Hey chipmunk." Creepy Brandon appears in front of me. I smile at him then look back down at my notebook.

I dont want to deal with him right now.

"I see you have no partner." He says taking a seat in front of my desk. I look up at him and he has that weird creepy smirk on his face.

"I dont want to be your partner." I state firmly looking away from his face.

"Oh come on! I'll make sure you have fun while we're at it." He smirks seductively.

I think...

I think I'm gonna puke.

I get up from my seat and look around for a partner. I need to get away from this nincompoop jerk. I spot Kyle sitting alone, no one  beside him, and i quickly make my way to him.

I dont care if I'm being clingy. I just want a partner for this assignment. I would rather be with anyone in this class than creepy Brandon.

"I see you can't resist me." Kyle smirks and i playfully slap his shoulder.


"Naa....i just wanted to get away from creepy Brandon." I explain looking back to where i was and find him still staring at me and mouthing, 'I know you want this' motioning to his body.

Someone get me a knife!

Euu.....what the frick is wrong with him?!

"What? Is he bothering you?" Kyle asks in a deathly tone, glaring at him, and he quickly looks away.

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