Chapter 15

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Dawn was standing in her manor library. A tall bookcase was looming over her. The bookcase seemed a lot higher than she remembered. There was a strange light glowing at the top shelf. Tilting her head in confusion, Dawn looked around for a ladder.

Climbing the ladder, she quickly made her way to the top of the ladder. She observed that the glowing light was from a book. She furrowed her eyebrows as she read the title: 'Magical History of Asia'.

"We had a book like this?" Dawn wondered out loud. She reached out to grab the book. But before she could grab ahold of the book a white light blinded her.

Dawn opened her eyes. She was still in the Chamber of Secrets. She rubbed her head, she had another strange dream. She pushed herself up and looked around.

"Good Morning," Tom said with a smile. He suddenly appeared out of nowhere, standing right next to her.

Dawn ignored him.

"Don't ignore me!" Tom demanded.

Dawn jumped and looked at Tom surprised. It was the first time, she heard him lose his temper. Tom aggressively grabbed Dawn's jaw.

"I said, 'Good Morning'."
"G-Good Morning," Dawn said fearfully.

Tom smirked and let go of Dawn's jaw. Tom handed her a book. Dawn looked at him warily.

"Take it. It's yours."

Dawn took the book from Tom's hand, not moving her eyes from him.

"You must be bored," Tom said in a surprisingly kind voice.

Dawn raised an eyebrow at him. She didn't know what to make of this boy. One moment he loses his temper and is aggressive, then the next he acts likes he is the kindest person you'd ever meet.

"Where did you get it?" Dawn asked frowning at Tom. He only smirked at Dawn.

The door to the chamber opened. And Ginny walked in. 

"Ginny!" Dawn shot up from the ground and rushed over.

Ginny wasn't answering Dawn. Ginny seemed to be in a trance as she just ignored Dawn and continued down the walkway. When she got close to the face carved in the stone, she lay down with a black journal in her hand. Unmoving.

Dawn tried to wrap her mind around the situation in front of her. She glared at Tom. She stomped over and grasped Tom's uniform around the collar. Bringing his face down closer to her own.

"What did you do to her?" Dawn hissed.

Tom looked down at the small girl in front of him with amusement in his eyes.

"This is only necessary."
Dawn scoffed. "Yeah, necessary my ass."

Tom grabbed Dawn's hand and with force made her release her grip on Tom's uniform. He grasped both of her hands very tightly, Dawn was unable to break free from the hold. Tom used his other hand to straighten out his school uniform.

"You'll just have to see. Until then, I want you to be still."

Dawn felt her body stiffen. She couldn't move her body.

"See, it's much better when you just obey my orders. Now close your eyes, Dawn," Tom said with a frightening smile.

'Fuck,' Dawn thought as she felt her eyes close. She wanted to fight back but her body wasn't listening to her.


Harry and Ron were in the hospital wing. The night before still vivid in their memories. They had figured out that Hagrid wasn't the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets. Ron was still shaken up by the events of that night, he wasn't very fond of spiders.

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