Chapter 05

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The holidays were approaching. Hermione and Dawn were in the dorm, packing for their trip back home. Once they were done, they made their way to the Great Hall.

"I do feel sorry for all the people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home," Draco said as he was exiting the Great Hall. It was rather loud, he wanted everyone to hear it.

Hermione and Dawn exchanged looks. Draco hadn't seen Dawn yet. Dawn shook her head and with Hermione started to walk into the Great Hall.

"Dawn!" Dawn stopped and turned around. It was Draco. "I might see you at Christmas. Father and Mother said something about inviting the Myrddins for our Christmas party. It'll be better for you to mingle with us rather than people like her." Draco glared at Hermione.

Hermione puffed and turned around and walked into the Great Hall pulling her trunk. Dawn saw her leave and felt bad. She turned and glared at Draco. She had been friendly to Draco ever since they became friends. But it was during times like these when she couldn't keep down her anger.

"Three things Malfoy. One, fuck you. Two, I don't appreciate you being rude to my friend. Three, I don't think we'll be spending Christmas with you. My parents have a rule about Christmas and it's that we spend Christmas as a family and not with others. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to my friends, you can come and talk to me when you're done being a douche," Dawn said firmly before turning around and leaving before Draco could say anything else.

When Dawn entered the Great Hall, she saw Hermione talking to Harry and Ron. Dawn quickly made her way over.

"But we've looked a hundred times!" Ron exclaimed.
"Looked at what?" Dawn asked.
"Nicolas Flamel," Harry explained.
"Nicolas Flamel? Who's Nicolas Flamel?" Dawn had no idea what the three of them were talking about.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione gave each other a look. They couldn't believe that Dawn didn't know about Nicolas Flamel. They weren't shocked because she didn't know who he was but rather that she didn't remember them talking about Nicolas Flamel when she was there. The three of them often talked about finding out who Nicolas Flamel around Dawn, but each time she was either so immersed in her reading or too focused on her homework she didn't hear it. Dawn wasn't able to multi-task and had to focus on one thing at a time. 

"She's joking right?" Ron asked.
"Haha, very funny Ronald. Who's Nicolas Flamel?" Dawn asked.
"You really don't remember?" Hermione asked.
"Did we learn about him in class? Oh shit!" Dawn exclaimed
"Language!" Hermione said slapping Dawn's shoulder.
"Sorry. I mean, oops!" Dawn scrambled for words.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at Dawn's forgetfulness and her very lax nature about cursing. Dawn had been very good at keeping her cursing to a minimum during the school year. Especially around the professors and Hermione, since she would always lecture her on swearing, but when she was just with Ron and Harry, it would occasionally just slip out. 

"No but seriously, who's Nicolas Flamel?" Dawn asked.
"I'll tell you on the train," Hermione reassured Dawn, who nodded. "Anyway, you need to keep looking."
"Like I've said, 'we've looked a hundred times'!" Ron reiterated.
"Not in the restricted section," Hermione whispered. Harry and Ron's eyes grew wide as Dawn fought back a laugh. "Happy Christmas."
"Happy Christmas!" Dawn said happily following Hermione out of the Great Hall. 


"So, what's this about Nicolas Flamel?" Dawn asked Hermione once they got settled into the train compartment.
"You know how Harry thinks that Fluffly is guarding something?" Hermione began.
"Fluffy? Who's Fluffy?" Dawn was, once again, out of the loop.
"The three-headed dog," Hermione said shaking her head. "Honestly Dawn, you need to pay more attention."
"Sorry. Sorry. Go on."
"Well. We talked to Hagrid about it, the day we went to get tea after the Quidditch game, and he accidentally let slip that whatever Fluffy is guarding is strictly between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel," Hermione explained.
"Oh, I see. So if we figure out who Nicolas Flamel is, we'll be able to figure out what Fluffy is guarding." Dawn was deep in thought. "I can ask my parents about Nicolas Flamel. I'm sure we have a book on him somewhere in our library."
Hermione gasped. "You have a library?"
"Of course we do. All my family members are interested in collecting books. You should come over sometime. You'd love it." Dawn said with a smile.

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