Chapter 14

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Dawn looked around her surroundings. It was a large chamber of some sort. There was a giant stone face. There was a long pathway heading towards a large circular door. On each side of the pathway were stone statues of snakeheads. Dawn shuddered. She didn't like this place.

"The Heir of Merlin."

Dawn turned around to face the person who was speaking. It was a boy who looked no older than sixteen. He had a prefect's badge on his robe with the crest of Slytherin. He had jet black hair. He was leaning against the statue of the face. She was in shock. She didn't see him there before. He just appeared out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" Dawn asked warily.
"My name is Tom Riddle," he replied.
"Tom Riddle?"
"I heard a lot about you. All good things, of course."
"Oh really? From who?"

Tom straightened his posture and started walking towards Dawn. She stood still, she wasn't intimated by the boy. He touched her cheek. He was as cold as ice. With his other hand, he firmly grabbed onto Dawn's wrist.

"You have beautiful eyes. They're very... unique," Tom said with a dashing smile.

Dawn wasn't intimated by Tom, but she was uncomfortable. She tried to step backwards but Tom's strong grip didn't allow it.

"Look, Tom Riddle. I don't know who you are, but let go of me." Dawn glared at Tom.

Tom smirked but let go of his grip. Dawn stepped backward, keeping a few feet between her and Tom.

"You won't be able to run away from me. I will find you eventually." The smirk didn't disappear from Tom's face.
"Creep," Dawn spat. 


Dawn's eyes snapped open. She was on her bed. She quickly got up and looked around. It was only a dream.

"You okay?" Hermione asked. She was the one who woke Dawn up.
"Yeah. I just had a weird dream."
"Come on, let's go to the library before the game."

It was a Saturday. There was a game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Harry was already at breakfast with the rest of the team. Hermione and Dawn decided to skip breakfast in order to go to the library. Ever since they heard that Hagrid might have been the one to open the Chamber of Secrets, Hermione and Dawn spent most of their time in the library to do more research on the monster.

"Where are you two going?" Ron asked.
"Library," Hermione and Dawn said at the same time as they left the common room.
"Don't be late to the game!" Ron called out after them.

As soon as Hermione and Dawn got to the library, they made their way straight to the History section and pulled out as many books as they could. They needed to read as many books as possible before the game. But no matter how many books they read, they were no closer to finding out the secrets of the monster.

"Maybe we should go back to square one," Dawn suggested.
"Okay. There is a Chamber of Secrets in the school and the Heir of Slytherin is the only one who can control the beast," said Hermione.
"Right. So the Heir of Slytherin has to be one of Slytherin's descendants. But how can we tell? No one in this school goes by the last name Slytherin."
"They should be able to speak Parseltongue. Slytherin was known to be the Serpent-tongue. Parselmouth is a gift that's passed through generations."
"But no one here, at least not right now, is going around telling people they are a Parselmouth. And you and I both know that Harry isn't the Heir of Slytherin."

"That's true. Do you have any idea of what the monster could be?"
"I have a slight suspicion. But I don't know how true it is."
"If it can only be something that Slytherin's Heir could control, it has to be a snake of some sort right?"
"That's right."
"But no snake can live that long, can they?" asked Dawn.

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