Chapter 08

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Dawn rushed back the way she came. She didn't stop, she guessed that Hermione and Ron in the infirmary. She didn't bother to check if Ron had been okay.  She rushed to the Entrance hall to go up to the owlery when she ran into someone.

She looked up. It was Professor Dumbledore.

"Harry's gone after him, hasn't he?" said Dumbledore.

Dawn looked at him in shock. He knew. Dumbledore quickly made his way to the third floor as Dawn stood there unable to move. She always knew Dumbledore was a powerful wizard, but how he found out about Harry was a mystery to her.

Her adrenaline seemed to give out as she dropped to the floor. She hadn't realized how exhausted she was. She took some time, sitting on the floor, to reflect on what had happened. After a few moments, she picked herself up and went to the infirmary. Ron was lying on a bed with Hermione next to him.

"You shouldn't be here!" Madam Pomfrey told Dawn.
"I just want to see if Ron's alright. He's like my brother. Please, Madam Pomfrey?" Dawn pleaded.
Madam Pomfrey sighed. "Oh, all right. Only for five minutes and take Miss. Granger with you, when you leave."
"I will. Thank you, Madam Pomfrey!"

Dawn rushed to Ron's beside. He was awake.

"What happened?" Ron asked Dawn immediately.
"There was a logic puzzle." Dawn turned to Hermione, "If you were there, we would've solved it faster."
"But you did solve it, didn't you?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah. Harry went into the final room alone though. There wasn't enough potion for two people."
"But what if You-Know-Who is there?" Hermione asked.
"Dumbledore just went to go after him. He should be fine," Dawn said trying to convince Ron and Hermione. But in reality, it was to convince herself.

Soon there was chatter and Harry came into the hospital wing in Dumbledore's arm. He was unconscious.

"Harry!" Dawn exclaimed as she rushed over to where Dumbledore place Harry.
"He will be alright, Dawn," said Dumbledore softly.
Dawn relaxed after hearing about it. "Thank you, Professor."

Dawn looked at the unconscious boy in front of her. She didn't tear up. She was just happy that he was safe. 


"Ron, Dawn, Harry's awake!" Hermione said as she rushed into the common room. Ron and Dawn looked at each other and bolted out of the common room with Hermione.

They didn't stop until they were outside of the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey, however, didn't let them in. 

"Oh please, Madam Pomfrey!"
"We won't bother him too much!"
"We'll only be a few minutes."

Madam Pomfrey let out an exasperated sigh. "Oh very well. But five minutes only!"

She let Ron, Hermione, and Dawn in.

"Harry!" The trio said at the same time rushing towards Harry.
"Oh, Harry, we were sure you were going to - Dumbledore was so worried -"
"The whole school's talking about it," said Ron. "What really happened?"

Harry explained the whole story to them. He told them how it wasn't Snape but rather Professor Quirrell who was trying to steal the stone. He also made sure to tell them that Voldemort was stuck to the back of Quirrell's head and was covered up by the Turban. Ron, Hermione, and Dawn gasped at the information. 

"Holy shit, we were learning Defense Against the Dark Arts with Voldemort?!" Dawn gasped.
"Language! Honestly, Dawn," Hermione slapped Dawn's arm.

Harry continued on with the story. He told them how the Mirror of Ersied was there and he had somehow found the stone. He explained that it was Dumbledore's idea, how someone who wanted to find the stone but not use it would be able to get it. Harry also made sure not to forget the part where Professor Quirrell burnt into ash touching Harry.

Merlin | Harry Potter FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora