Chapter 11

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Hermione and Dawn were at the Great Hall before dinner started so review some of their homework. Hermione took time out of her own studies to help Dawn with Herbology.

They looked up when they heard Ron sit across from them with a groan. Hermione looked at Ron worried while Dawn smirked.

"I see you're no longer having slug problems?" Dawn teased.
"Shut up," Ron rested his head on the table. "It was horrible. I kept burping up slugs on one of the trophies, so I had to keep cleaning it."

Dawn laughed. Ron glared at her. Hermione shook her head.

People started filing into the Great Hall for dinner. Dawn and Hermione starting talking about new books they read. Ron, who wasn't interested in talking about books, focused all his attention on the food in front of him.

"Slow down, Ron. No one's going to steal your food!" Hermione gasped as Ron was stuffing his face.
"I am!" Dawn exclaimed as she took a piece of chicken from Ron's plate.
"Dawn!" Ron glared.
"You snooze, you lose!" Dawn stuck her tongue out at Ron.
"Children," Hermione said rolling her eyes.

Dawn turned to speak to Hermione. But she noticed, over Hermione's shoulder, that Ginny was sitting and eating dinner alone. Dawn frowned.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.
"Ha! I got your chicken!" Ron said as he stole two pieces of chicken from Dawn's plate.
"I'll be back," Dawn said calmly as she picked up her plate and started walking towards Ginny.

"I didn't do anything!" Dawn heard Ron say.

Dawn sat beside Ginny.

"You don't mind if I join you for dinner, do you?" Dawn asked.

Ginny looked up at her in shock.

"No!" Ginny said with a smile.
"How were classes Gin?"
"They were alright, I guess," Ginny said quietly as she was playing with her food.
"Are you having fun?" Ginny only shrugged. "Hey, Ginny?" Dawn asked causing Ginny to look up. "Is everything okay? You're very quiet."
"I'm okay," Ginny said smiling at Dawn.

Dawn wasn't buying Ginny's story but she decided not to press her on the issue. Instead, they started talking about other topics. Suddenly, Ginny stared at her plate.

"Gin?" Dawn asked cautiously.

Ginny straightened her back and looked at Dawn with a smile.

"I should go and finish my homework," Ginny said. Dawn gave her a look.

Ginny stood up but Dawn quickly grabbed her hand.

"If you ever need anything or just need someone to talk to, let me know. Okay?" Dawn said looking straight into Ginny's eye.
"I will."

Dawn let go of Ginny's hand. Taking that as her cue to leave, Ginny left the Great hall. Dawn watched Ginny leave.

She quickly got up and went back to where Hermione and Ron were.

"You were talking to Ginny?" Ron asked, still eating.
"How are you still eating? You had three plates!" Dawn exclaimed.
"Hey, I'm a growing man," Ron protested.
"You mean, a growing 'boy'." Dawn teased with a laugh.
"Oh, shut up," Ron said with a smile.

"By the way, is everything alright with Ginny?" Dawn asked.
"Why do you ask?" Hermione asked.
"It's just, she was acting a little strange."
"She seems so quiet. She's usually talkative at the Burrow. It's strange seeing her so quiet," Dawn frowned.
"She's just shy, it's all. Nothing to worry about," Ron shrugged.
"Maybe," Dawn sighed.

Dawn couldn't shake how Ginny was acting. It was like she changed into a different person when she walked out of the hall. But if Ron, Ginny's brother, said everything is alright and there was nothing to worry about, Dawn was probably just over-reacting.

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