Chapter 16

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Dawn's eyes snapped open. Dawn's eye colour changed from her unusual colour of hazel in one eye and hazel and blue in the other, to a silver-grey. She stood up from her place. Her body letting out a silver aura. She was floating in the air. She turned around and she became face-to-face with a shocked look of Tom.

"Dawn?" Dawn heard Harry's confused and weak voice from behind her.

It was as if Dawn was a different person. There was something, or rather someone else, controlling her body. She was carrying herself in a different, she acted more confidently and in a more sophisticated manner.

She waved her finger in front of her, and Harry's wand flew out of Tom's hand towards Harry. Tom's eyebrow raised. He was amused by the sudden change in Dawn. He could feel Dawn's magic like a tidal wave. It was far greater than anything he had ever felt before.

Tom's attention went from Dawn to Harry, who was kneeling on the ground next to Ginny's body. A basilisk fang lay beside Harry as he was clutching his injured and bloodied right arm. 

"You certainly are remarkable. It seems like Merlin's blood isn't the only thing flowing in your body." He chuckled darkly. When he saw that Dawn made no move against him, he turned his attention to Harry. "Remarkable isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body? I guess you have little more than a minute to live. You'll be with your dear mudblood mother soon Harry. Funny, the damage a silly little book can do. Especially in the hands of a silly little girl." 

Dawn smirked. Harry's eyes grew wide with understanding. It was as if he knew exactly what to do. He quickly grabbed the journal out of Ginny's arm. And opened it to a random page.

"What are you doing?" Tom's voice was much more panicked. He looked between Dawn and Harry.

Harry picked up the Basilisk fang he was holding.

"Stop! No!"

Harry swung down stabbing the journal with the fang. There was a long, dreadful, piercing scream. Ink spurted out of the diary. Harry stabbed the diary a good number of times. Tom was twisting in pain then he was gone. Dawn's wand fell to the floor with a clatter.

Dawn turned to look at Harry, a soft look returned to her face. She waved her hand. The water from the chamber moved towards Harry's injured arm. The water wrapped itself on Harry's injury and it began to glow. When the glowing ceased, the water dripped back to the floor. Harry's injury was healed. Harry looked up at Dawn in shock. Dawn smiled.

The aura around Dawn started to fade away and Dawn's eyes returned to their original colour. Dawn's eyes closed as she slowly fell to the ground. Harry immediately went and caught her before her back touched the floor. She was now being held by Harry.

Harry looked down at Dawn. He didn't understand how Dawn was able to wake up on her own, how she was able to able to disarm Tom without a wand, why her eyes were a different colour, and how she was glowing. The only thing he knew was that he was very glad and relieved to have Dawn in his arms.

Ginny woke up groaning. She saw Harry sitting by her side with an unconscious Dawn in his arm. "Dawn! Harry - I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, but I c-couldn't say it in front of Percy. It was me. Harry - but I - I s-swear I didn't mean to - R-Riddle made me, he m-made me bring Dawn," she was crying as she confessed everything to Harry.

"It's all right," Harry said with a smile. He motioned to the diary with a fang hole in the middle. "Riddle's finished. Him and the basilisk."

Ginny nodded. Ginny looked at Dawn with a worried expression. Harry didn't know how he was going to be able to take Dawn and Ginny to Ron. He internally groaned remembering that he had to get Lockhart out of there as well. He grabbed his wand and Dawn's wand and tucked them into his robe pocket. He grabbed the sorting hat and the sword into his belt. 

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