Chapter 04

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Devin rushed into the hospital wing with Fred and George following closely behind.

"Little Merlin!"

Dawn casually looked up from her book. When she saw the boys she smiled. Devin hugged Dawn and looked her up and down to see if she was alright.

"I'm fine Devin," Dawn laughed.

Devin frowned looking at Dawn's leg.

"Why did you go after the troll?" Devin was pissed.
"Excuse me. I didn't go after the troll. The troll found me and Hermione," Dawn looked at her brother with a frown. 

Then her eyes lit up as she remembered something. Dawn turned to the twins with a mischievous smile on her lips. The three boys looked at each other, not knowing what just happened.

"Can I ask you for a favour, Fred? George?" They nodded, still a bit nervous about where this was going. "I need you to prank Ron for me. Pretty please?"

Fred and George's eyes lit up and they had a big smile. They had been waiting for Dawn to join them in their pranks.

"Dawn!" Devin exclaimed.
"Oh come on Devin. It was partially Ron's fault that the troll found me. And I can't prank him with my leg like this." Dawn reasoned pointing to her leg.
"Consider it done little Merlin!" Fred and George chorused.
"But nothing too dangerous," Dawn said quickly.
"I've got just the thing," George said with a smirk and Devin rolled his eyes.
"You know, you two are a bad influence on her," Devin said exhaustedly.
"What? We are a perfectly good influence on her" Fred and George said dramatically. Dawn laughed while Devin rolled his eyes.

Fred and George quickly left the hospital wing chatting among themselves about the prank they were going to pull on Ron. They wanted to do it right then and there. Devin sighed and looked at Dawn. He was relieved that Dawn was doing alright and by the way she asked Fred and George to prank Ron, he knew there was nothing to worry about. 

"You sure you're okay? Did you need anything?"
"I'm fine dad," Dawn rolled her eyes. "Can you just ask Hermione to bring me another book? I'm almost done with this one."
"Sure thing. Get some rest," Devin said giving Dawn a small kiss on her forehead.
"I will, bye dad," Dawn said with a smile.

It was fairly quiet when the twins and Devin left. Dawn went back to focusing on her book, it had been about an hour when the door to the hospital wing opened. She didn't notice as she was still immersed in her book. Someone cleared their throat, causing Dawn to look up. It was Draco. She looked at him and blinked a couple of times. She didn't know what he was doing.

"How's your leg?" Draco asked cutting the awkward silence.
"It's alright," Dawn said with a shrug. "What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to see if you were okay," Draco said scratching the back of his neck his ears turning slightly red. 
"Oh." Dawn didn't expect that from him but quickly smiled. "Thanks for coming Draco." Draco smiled when he heard her say his name.
"I'll see you later," Draco said quickly. Then he left the hospital room abruptly.

Dawn didn't know what just happened but she shrugged it off and went back to her book. As soon as she started reading the door to the hospital wing opened again with chatter. Dawn mentally yelled in her head. She was getting annoyed that her reading was getting interrupted so often. She looked up and glared but immediately started laughing when she saw Ron.

"Ron what happened to your hair?!" Dawn exclaimed as she laughed when she saw that his normally fire-red hair was blue.
"Fred and George," Ron said gloomily.

Dawn couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh shut up Dawn," Ron said rolling his eyes a small smile creeping on his face.
"I'm so sorry. But you look ridiculous!" She tried her best to calm herself. 

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