Chapter 09

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It was the beginning of August. She was sitting in her favourite spot in the library. The family library was very large. The entire east wing of their manor was used as the library. It was necessary for a family who enjoyed collecting books. 

The first floor of the library was 'out-of-bounds' for Dawn and Devin. It was where Merlina and Joshua's collection of books regarding ancient magic were held. The parents believed that such books on magic were too advanced for the children and therefore, would be too dangerous for them. However, Dawn and Devin were told that they could start reading the books on the first floor if they reached the age of fifteen.

The second floor, contrary to the first, was where the family spent most of their time. There was a spiral staircase that connected the two floors together. The second floor was where all the books on muggle fiction, muggle history, magic history, and other books regarding magic were held. There were sofas and tables for the two children to do their homework.

The library also held a tower, connected to the second floor with a ladder. The tower was where the family stargazed and it was where the family owl, Gale, spent most of his time.

 Dawn was sitting on the sofa, underneath a window facing the southside of the manor, reading a new muggle book titled: "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes". The window was open to let the nice breeze of summer enter. Dawn was at peace. Her brother, Devin was somewhere in the library as well.

Dawn finally looked up from her book when something light landed on her lap. She saw that it was a letter. She quickly opened it to see that it was from Ron. She read:

'Hi, Dawn,
Harry's come over to my place for the rest of the summer. His uncle was mad. He put bars on Harry's window and they were starving him. Fred, George, and I went to save him, of course. Since he's staying at my place, you and Devin can come over as well (if that's okay with your parents, of course).
Love, Ron.'

Dawn giggled at the letter. She wondered how the three Weasley boys managed to get Harry from his uncle's place. Knowing Fred and George, it was probably something dangerous.

Dawn stood up, placed her bookmark in her book, and rushed down the stairs.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

She quickly slid into the kitchen dramatically.

"Oh! Smells great!"
"Would you like to give it a taste?"
"Yes, please!"

Joshua chuckled as he gave a small spoon of the meatballs he was cooking. As soon as Dawn took a bite, her eyes lit up.

"Good?" Joshua asked with a smile.
"Perfect!" Dawn smiled at Joshua. Merlina was an excellent baker but Joshua was the better cook.
"What did you need me for?"
"Harry's staying at Ron's place for the summer, can I go and visit them tomorrow? Please? Devin was invited too," Dawn said giving her father the puppy-dog eyes.

Joshua chuckled.

"It's fine with me. Just make sure mum knows."
"Yay! Where is she?"
"She should be in the garden with Devin. They're playing wizard's chess."
"Devin's in the garden? I thought he was in the library."
"He came down half an hour ago," said Joshua chuckling.
"Thanks, dad!"

Dawn rushed to the garden. Sure enough, she spotted Merlina and Devin very focused on their game of wizard's chess.

"Yes, honey?" Merlina replied, not moving her focus from the game in front of her.
"Harry's over at Ron's place for the summer, can I go visit them tomorrow?"
"Sure thing, honey. Just make sure your dad knows."
"I already asked him. Thanks, mum!" Dawn gave Merlina a small kiss on the cheek.
"Good, good."
"Hey, what about me?" Devin asked looking up from the game.
"You can go too if you'd like."
"Nice!" Devin smiled.

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