Chapter 17

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Dawn's eyes furrowed together as she read the story that was headlining The Daily Prophet. It was all over the news: the escape of prisoner Sirius Black, loyal to Lord Voldemort and the madman who killed 13 individuals before being arrested and sent to Azkaban, the Wizard Prison. 

No one had ever escaped Azkaban before, so his escape was enough to put the entire Ministry on red alert. Dawn hardly saw her parents anymore. Although they weren't classified as Aurors, they did work in the ministry and that meant that Merlina and Joshua were working overtime.

Dawn sighed. Was she ever going to have a quiet year at Hogwarts? She giggled at the ridiculous thought. Of course, she wasn't. She was best friends with Harry Potter and danger seemed to find him wherever he went.

As she was thinking of her friend, a letter dropped on her lap. She quickly opened it and smiled when she realized that it was from the very boy she had been thinking about.

Thanks for the birthday present. I'll make sure to use it well. I'm sorry I haven't been able to write to you much since my birthday. I accidentally blew up my Aunt Marge and ran away from home. I'm at the Leaky Cauldron now, if you ever wanted to visit. I don't know if you heard from Ron but he's coming to Diagon Alley during the last week of the holidays. I hope to see you soon.
P.S. I'll write to you more now that I'm not with the Dursleys.
Love, Harry.'

Dawn chuckled when she read that Harry had accidentally blown up his Aunt. She quickly went to one of the tables in the library to write a response back to Harry.

I'm glad that you are alright. I hope the Dursleys weren't too bad this summer, although I'm sure you're having loads of fun with your newfound freedom. I'll ask my parents if I can visit you at The Leaky Cauldron. They've just been really busy lately because of the prison escape. I hope you're being safe. I hope to see you soon.
Lots of love, Dawn.'

She quickly folded up her letter and gave it to Gale who immediately flew out the open window to her destination. She sat down in her usual chair and tied her hair up into a high ponytail before she began reading her book. She would have to wait a while before her parents would return from work.

It was around midnight when Merlina and Joshua entered the house. Being very family-oriented, neither of them particularly liked being away from their children for too long. And with the escaped convict on the loose, work was becoming more and more exhausting.

"Mum? Dad?" Dawn called out as she rushed down the stairs to the foyer.

Dawn paused when she saw the dark circles underneath her parent's eyes. She had never seen them looking so tired before.

"How are you?" Dawn asked, thinking it was wise to ask about her possible trip to The Leaky Cauldron be left for another day.
"Tired, but so happy to see you," Merlina said as she brought Dawn in for a well-needed hug.

It wasn't long before Joshua joined in on the hug. Embracing both Merlina and Dawn.

"You should go to bed," Dawn said sternly making Merlina and Joshua laugh.
"I think our little Merlin has grown up too fast, don't you think darling?" Joshua asked, an amused look sparkling in his eye.
"Too fast," Merlina agreed, causing Dawn to playfully roll her eyes.


Dawn knocked on the door that had the number 17 written on it. She was sure that it was the room that Harry was staying in The Leaky Cauldron. The door opened to reveal Harry Potter. Without a second to lose, Dawn immediately tackled him into a hug. Harry stood shocked and it took him a few seconds to realize that it was, in fact, Dawn who had attacked him with a hug. He returned it happily.

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