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"Tabs can you grab Juno's toys for me baby?" Ava asked the Three year old in an effort to keep her busy while her mother attempted to repack their entire lives into the boxes.

"Juju." Tabitha squealed as she carried Juno's toy basket to her mother, the small golden retriever puppy trailing after her happily

"Thank you sweets." Ava said as she kissed her cheek softly.

"Momma go bye bye?" Tabitha asked confused as she watched Ava pack her shirts into her suitcase.

"Tabitha gets to come too." Ava smiled as The toddler clung to her arm

"And juju?" Tabitha inquired

"Of course Juno is coming sweets, he's family baby girl." Ava said as she ruffled the girls hair happily.

"Dada?" She asked again

"He's going to meet us there sweet pea." She hummed quietly.

"Owie?" Tabitha asked once more before the front door opened and the man himself stepped through.

"Hey, I got your boxes over there, Sav and Cait are going to ship them out for us all you really have to do is fill them-" she started as she zipped her suitcase quickly.

"That was my agent-" Owen said, a inconclusive look on his face.

"I got the part in End like this." He said quietly.

"That's amazing baby and so soon after Julie and the Phantoms." She praised excitedly

"It starts filming next week." He said, still not showing the slightest bit of excitement

"But we leave in 3 days owen-"

"It's being filmed in Tennessee Ava." He said quietly

"Okay- owen what are you saying right now?" She asked as she began to get upset

"I took the part Ava, I- I can't go with you to paris." He said finally as Ava's happy atmosphere came crashing down.

"And you just made this decision by yourself?" She asked immediately without thinking

"It's my career Ava, this could be huge for me. I was going to follow you to paris  don't make me the bad guy" He said defensively

"I never asked you to do that in the first place!" She snapped quietly as Sav popped in and scooped Tabitha away from their impending fight

"I know that-" he started.

"And at least I discussed it with you Owen! You just made this decision on your own! What happens now?" She snapped angrily

"You go to Paris Ava." He said simply

"Without you? Like it's that simple? Like this doesn't mean we're breaking up?" She said as tears welled in her eyes

"Are we breaking up?" She asked softly.

"I don't know, I think so, I don't want to, Ava you'll be gone for months in PARIS, and I'll be here-" he started

"So that's it, we're just going to give up on us?" She sniffled softly


"Get out-"

"Ava, please-"

"Get out Owen! Just go!" She snapped as she turned away from him, waiting until the sound of the front door closing echoed out before crumpling to the floor

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